
I'll catch the highlights on youtube later because nothing comes between me and my sleep, and because I find live sporting events pretty boring, no matter how much I love the event. Too much down time; I'd rather just be able to skip commentary and replays and such.

No, you're certainly not a horrible person! While I love my nephew to the ends of the earth, I still think my brother made a huge mistake when he got my sister-in-law pregnant. (They only married so she could get transferred to the same base as him. They had been dating for a few months when this happened. She got

As my parents are both nurses, all I can contribute to this discussion is that I'm now freaked out for the rest of the night by the thought of nurse sexy times.

I will totally keep you abreast of great cruise deals. :)

It's a travel agent job with a company that deals exclusively with cruises. Hella commission opportunities! (Plus, ya know, cheap travel and great benefits.)

Jezzies! I am so close to getting a Real Person Job I might hyperventilate! I had an amazing phone interview this morning, and an in-person interview on Monday with two more people. I really, really, really want this job. I mean, I really want a real job, but I am exceptionally desirous of this particular job. The

Lady, just tell me the time and place. I will be there to appreciate your boothcake.

Clearly I can't read. Never mind.

Suddenly, I'm kind of glad my eyes got too bad to be accepted into the Air Force last year. This kind of takes the sting out of the rejection.

The Avengers did not pass, despite having the opportunity to do so. There was Black Widow, but Fury's assistant, played by Coby Smulders, had a name. (I'll be damned if I can remember it now, though.) They could easily have had a short conversation, but it was passed up. No other female character to speak of, though;

To be fair, Bane had some terrible one-liners, too.

That quote may actually have convinced me to read some Austen, whom I have avoided before now.

HA! Score one for the Queen!

They annoy me, too. At least get some that match the color of your hair!

Ah, okay, then! That makes a lot more sense, thank you.


Why would your partner's baseless and uneducated feelings on hormonal birth control stop you from taking it? I'm not trying to be snippy or confrontational—I honestly do not understand why you would not take HBC because he doesn't understand how it works. It's your body, your uterus. I assume he doesn't want kids,

It is. It's great, but it does have hormones.

I agree. I wish there was some way to make theaters turn down the volume. I have spent 12 years playing a large brass instrument in large, loud bands and I know I have permanent hearing damage—and the theaters always leave my head hurting and ears ringing.

Could you point to a single instance of how this site or Killerman once mocked people? His language has been polite, respectful, firm and, in the cases of the attacks, resigned but determined. There was no mocking or aggression against anyone; just a call that we all stop being bigots to each other.