
I flew Air Canada to Japan. They were cheap, polite, efficient, and very fair with their luggage policy. I recommend them to everyone when flying internationally.

This is completely off topic, but that coat? The one with the red stripe and piping on the right? I would totally buy that if I lived somewhere cold enough to need a long coat.

I, uh, may or may not troll youtube for his interviews with said guests when I'm feeling lonely at night.

Somehow I missed your response last night—sorry!

Okay, time to close the store so I'm signing off for the night! I'll probably be back tomorrow night, though. Hope you guys enjoy your recommendations! Thanks for helping me pass the time. :)

I feel your pain. My acne has always been terrible, since I was 12. I have been on every acne medication, and only Accutane made a difference. I can't get it now, though, as I lack the kind of insurance that actually pays for things and I shit-ass broke.

I really enjoyed her Trickster duology. I never cared for anything else by her, although, felt too much like bad self-insert fanfiction.

I concure. I've met several great guys on there! (The girls on there don't seem interested in bi chicks, wanting only lesbian, ime.) I dated one for 10 months, and the current boyfriend and I have been going out for almost two and half years.

Hmmm, time travel...I had to really stretch on these, sorry. Maybe someone else has better recommendations?

If you have a Kindle, you can try to "borrow" it from another user. They have that function now and it's pretty popular.

This isn't an area I know much about, so I'm going off of what sells well for us, and what has won awards here.

I work in a used bookstore, so I can't comment on what's new, precisely, but newer things that are flying off the shelves here are Brent Weeks's Night Angel trilogy and Karen Miller's Kingmaker, Kingbreak duology. Both have other works, as well. I've read the first of the Night Angel trilogy and loved it. It's a

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, by Mark Haddon. A boy with autism decides the solve the mystery of his neighbor's dog, who was murdered, and discovers some secrets about his family along the way. I read this in one sitting; I couldn't put it down at all. Very fascinating. Haddon also has another,

What kinds of things do you like to read?

I am terribly bored at my bookstore. Anyone want any recommendations? I will happily troll the shelves for you!

You're right, having choices is great. Except when your choice is between the black well-made and functional item and the pink one that will fall apart the first time you try to use it. That's the point of the article.

My dad had a pink comb in the army in the late 70s/early 80s for the same reason. He never got any grief about it, but I think that's mainly because he would hoard his cigarette rations (he didn't smoke) and then make bank when his unit was in the field and the smokers ran out. No one wanted to get on his bad side, as

YES! I love lime green shit with birds on it so much, but I also love functional things, too. And I don't want to pay more for the pretty and inferior product than the boring and well-made one, either.

I find them mentally very uncomfortable. Doing them freaks me out and I really don't see the point.

All this talk of kegels. Am I the only one who *hates* them and never does them?