
I just cringed visibly at work. D:

I...didn't know that's what they were for. I use them as tampon backups, because I usually don't change my tampon before it's "full" and the blood on the liner tells me it's time to change the tampon. I've toyed with the idea of wearing them all the time, but, meh. They don't breathe and that can lead to problems.

Yes, because there are no stigmas about buying condoms, or people who use them incorrectly, or shopkeepers who would refuse to sell condoms to certain people or even stock them at all, or people with latex allergies who don't have access to more expensive and harder to find lambskin alternatives, or accidents where

It's preciously the reason I'm not married to my boyfriend. I don't want to get divorced, ever (although I would if I felt it was the right decision) so I'm waiting until I believe I could be with him (or someone else) for the rest of my life. A lot of people view marriage as A Big Deal, not just something they can

I never ever wear one to sleep in, but I always wear a bra. I don't like lounging in my pjs too much because of the bra-less-ness. If I have to walk more than a few steps within several minutes, the bra goes on. It's just painful not to have one. That said, I do get a feeling of sweet release at the unhooking at

Whole Foods is usually pretty safe. I like personally. is a good starting point. Just be prepared—natural makeup and skin care products cost a buttload more, and they don't last as long on your face. Your body will also go through a phase lasting from a

I know this, but it still makes me sad. I love that name and have for years. Maybe by the time I'm ready to procreate (should I ever do that) it won't be common anymore.

I knew an Arielle growing up. Her brother was Orion. (Like the constellation.) I remember thinking their names were stupid (although never saying this to them) but being secretly jealous they had interesting and unique names. My name is the 7th most common for girls for the year I was born.

BRB, I have to track down my cats...

You and me both. do you know when you're done if there's orgasm?

Hey, Jezzies, I bought my first bikini yesterday and I am super excited to wear it at the beach this weekend! I've been afraid for years to wear one because I'm "too fat" to wear one in public. (I'm roughly a US 14/16.) I have you excellent ladies and dudes to thank for giving me the self-confidence to not give a flip

I'm taking aerial classes, too! It's pretty awesome, isn't it? My instructor does a lot of circus arts and offers classes in lots of them. Maybe your instructor has some suggestions?

I have a similar problem re: craving sweets and cheese with low willpower. I stopped snacking on cheese, saving it for meals. I also tried to find healthy and tasty sweet things instead. Fruit is good; so is yogurt. Dried fruit works better for me—less mess, can take it anywhere. Try honey sticks, too. Buy teeny tiny

I'm just here to say I'm stupid excited for this. Sailor Moon literally changed the course my life when I watched it as a child.

That is really large, as compared to his body size.

Damn, lady, you hit the jackpot! Mad props! :)

Really? Wow. I guess they assume if you're asking then you must be a gay man?

It's also stupid because there's no real way you can be absolutely sure that the men you've had sex with haven't had sex with other men, which would bar all women sexually active with even one man from giving blood. I just lie about that part—I know for a fact some of the men I've had sex with have had sex with other

You know, now that I'm thinking about it a little more, OKCupid, the site I mainly used, allows you to filter out messages based on several different criteria, all of which you choose. That could easily have kept "hey babby r u dtf" type stuff from ever reaching me.