
I'm not saying they weren't. I'm saying they weren't "wanna fuck?" The difference is important. Of course someone who messages another person on a dating site is interested in sex—that's a part of what dating is for. How you say is pretty important.

Agreed. It's not a problem of nerd culture; it's a problem of privileged men who can be found in any and all groups men are a part of.

I agree.

Thank you! I've been saying this on here over and over again, but it's like no one believes me. Nerds are people, too, with all the microcosms of any other group of people. There are TONS of female nerds. Some male nerds are assholes. Most, like men of all groups, don't realize how deep their privilege goes, but

OKCupid and eHarmony. I'd go with OKC, personally. I know other people who've had luck there, too.

That image is the best thing I've seen all day. Thank you for sharing!

I've used Internet dating for years, and you know what? I have never once gotten a "wanna fuck?" message, even when I posted photos that blatantly showed off my boobs. (Super low-cut dress, very tight shirts, etc.). All the messages I got were of the "You look like someone I could have a conversation with! Let's


Thank you for this. It was beautiful and touching.

True story: WoW brought my BF and I closer together, and my dad met my stepmom of several years on WoW.

Isn't Adele, like, 24? That's the exact same age as me. Why the fuck is she having a baby? She's on top of the world! She is going places! And she's having a baby? Seems really weird and disconcerting to me.

Oh, I didn't mean stars! I meant where it could take weeks just to get out of being pink. It took me something like two months on Kotaku, and I went out of my way to be agreeable and try and further discussion. And contrary to what a lot of Jezzies may say, most of the people on Kotaku are not dudebros who hate wimmin

Go! Just think of some things you might like to do to talk about. Less about "I want to work in HR!" and more "I really like interacting with people on a one-one-one basis, and I think HR might be good for that. I'm really open to anything that uses those skills, though. Do you have any advice or suggestions?"

Congrats on your new job! Totes jelly, though.

I have the opposite problem, where people seem to be dismissing my comments from threads for no reason I can tell. The old system was flawed, definitely, as it could take weeks for someone to decide you had something that was worth others hearing. But I don't think people who aren't mods should be allowed to remove

How old are you? I ask because I am 24 and feel the same. I mostly have myself to blame, though. I moved to an area I didn't know with no one I know nearby right out of college to be with my boyfriend. The college friends are mostly nonexistent because of huge amounts of bullshit drama about two months before we

I did feel a little weird at first, not gonna lie. But then you get to make them shuffle. Parade, butts, parade!

I saw that khaki butt and damn. Man has a nice butt. The two tight jeans ones are nice, too. :)

I wonder why soldiers who are convicted of sexual assault aren't just discharged, full stop. I know that incredibly few people who commit rape and other sexual assaults are convicted, but booting them out would help to send a message of "this is not a culture we want in our military, and your actions will not be

If you are comparing yourself and your movement to weeds, perhaps you should rethink your involvement with said movement.