
The fact that the shirts are "unisex" is the point—they're not unisex; they're men's shirts with a new name. Thy are designed to fit a male torso—no curves, broad shoulders, etc. Give out extra small sizes does not solve this. It's a token gesture that is hollow. The point isn't the shirts— no one cares about shirts,

I see this as being indicative of the current crop of 20-somes. The idea of home ownership just isn't the ideal anymore, and I don't think it's really a byproduct of the economy and the tanked home market. That exasperated it, of course, but I'm pretty sure ideas on what you "have" to do to be considered an adult have

Very few men have nice butts, unfortunately. They lack the waist and hip contrast that makes lady butts so nice. But when you meet a man with a nice's kind of life changing.

You raise a valid point. I think what you're missing though, is the external pressure to have a "perfect" house that is always pristine and where everything matches and is beautiful. This pressure is much, much greater on women than it is on men. Is it bullshit? Absolutely. Life is better for everyone if you can let

The horse may be extinct, but people are still pretending there's nothing there to beat.

What kind of books do you write?

Now accepting links for awesome Kickstarters to fund. I like books the bestest, but I will look at any and all links provided!

Pig meat is the best meat.

Do you have a link to a hot-to page? I've been thinking about doing it because NOTHING works on my oily/dry acne-prone scar-prone mess of a face and I am so sick of it.

Also I just noticed your name and now I have to tell you that I love you for it.

This. I switched to Greek from regular and it really helped with food cravings and kept me fuller, longer. It's better if you have blood sugar problems, too.

Lance it with a sterilized needle. (Sewing needle, strait pin, safety doesn't really matter as long as it's thin, sharp and sterilized.) Drain it (gently). Slap on some antibiotic ointment, cover with a sterile bandage (gauze is good), keep clean and dry, clean with a mild soap once a day and repeat as

I use Chrome because Google stopped supporting the Google toolbar for Firefox. I still prefer Firefox, but they lost me with the last update, mostly because of the toolbar and taking off all the buttons from the top of the browser. Call me old-fashioned, but I like having my buttons all at hand.

Well, it does depend quite a deal on where you're going. I'd start assessing the job market around your relatives' location at least 6 months before you plan moving, if only to get a feel for where the jobs in your industries are. I read an article on Lifehacker a while back that had advice on looking for jobs before

The only problem I have with these well-off, educated intelligent women making their privileged decision to stay at home instead of working is when they choose to make their children their entire identity.

Aren't hormones used for IVF similar to hormones for birth control, which also carry a slightly increased risk for breast cancer later in life?

I had to beg my mom to put me back on her plan after I graduated in the first place. If they say this is unconstitutional, there's a good change all private companies will deny me out of hand thanks to my history of seizures.

Thing is, I can cook. I'm pretty good at it, actually. I just don't like doing it. The last thing I want to do when I come home is make food—I want it magically appearing in front of me. It was that way in college! Why can't it happen now???? Sad face! That is why I gained the 60 pounds I am currently trying to loose.

I might just get some anyway. I allow myself one "splurge" a week. It's been very helpful for keeping me on track overall.

Except I hate tomatoes. And like 90% of all other vegetables. And cooking. :( Portion control is really the hardest part for me. I can find healthy substitutes. And then eat ALL OF TEH HEALTHY FOODS FOREVER which totally undoes the whole "healthy" part.