
THIS. Thank you! I really hope that one day we will stop comparing women against men and just have ability competitions, period. Science says over and over again that there are no inherent differences between men and women beyond reproduction. When will we start listening to science?

Being larger and having more muscle mass is not an advantage in ever sport.

As would I. Ooo, if it was mixed, would we see more cool things a la mixed-sex stunts in cheerleading? That would be cool.

I haven't heard that before, and I was taught the "gender is social; sex is biological" model in gender and sexuality classes in college two-four years ago. Do you have any links low on medical jargon for more information? I'm interested in reading more about this. Thanks!

Except that long-term studies of those same numbers show that the gap between men and women is rapidly closing, and will essentially not exist in another 50 years or so. (Controlled for equal access to things like training and nutrition, and age, etc.)

Can you sew/desire to learn? There are lots of places on the internet which have ideas for upcycling these things—although it's mostly socks. I used to have a ton of great knee socks in all kinds of colors and patterns. Alas, such socks are always cheaply made and my huge feet would wear out the heels long before the

All the love for you. This is fantastic!

No kidding. My boyfriend's favorite candle scent? Vanilla. We burn them all the time.


Garth Nix's Abhorsen trilogy. Necromancers who put the dead back to death with magical bells! So good! More of a teen thing, but not dumbed down at all, so it's enjoyable as an adult as well. I've read it nearly year since I was 7. (24 now) (Co worker also loves this one.)

Yup, in all kinds of casual, subtle ways. It does some things well, especially re: Traynor and the whole lesbian romance option and the two female privates who guard part of the Normandy, but a lot of bad made it in. See: Allers/FemShep's dress, the skin texture on the Banshees, the fact that the only female aliens

You, I've always had those bumps on my arms and never knew what they were or how to get rid of them. Thank for linking that! I will definitely be trying on of those towels.

I missed that, not having played the whole thing. So, not even a little bit not a sex bot fantasy then.

I propose a law on the national level which states if people and/or groups on one side of a issue are not allowed to speak on said issue in any way in a legal or political situation, the people and groups on the other side of the issue are also not allowed to speak. And that this must apply to politicians.

I personally find DA to be much better re: women and gender roles, although it's not without its own problems. ME was great until the third one, when so much casual dudebro sexism slipped in. Lots of women were head banging over that, especially when some of the devs began to mansplain how we just "didn't get" games.

You know, I would be more surprised if Laura Croft had never been a victim of attempted sexual assault. I never realized before how much rape is used in storytelling to give women a compelling backstory. Still, sometimes it makes good narrative sense. In Dragon Age: Origins, one of the six stories you choose at the

I just want to say I hearted you to thank you for a thoughtful response from someone "in the biz" so to speak. It's also a nice reminder for me, a woman who wants to break into game development, that not everyone I could be potentially working with is an immature dudebro. :)

Secondly, have you not heard of the Metroid series? that series is based on a strong female character without and hint of reference to sex or sexuality

Outgoing liberal?

Only tangentially related, but does anyone have numbers on the amount of sex trafficking in places where prostitution is legal, like Sweden and Nevada and wherever else? I'm wondering if legalizing prostitution has a positive effect on sex trafficking.