
For the pact, I think she decided to end it when he came to her office after another fight she had and basically promised to take care of her. It was sweet of him, and a very Ken kind of thing to do, but his timing was off. She snapped back rather rudely to him and I think in her mind the last thing she needed was

I love Pete stories so much. I really hope they make Ken and Pete come to a head next season. There's so much potential there—Ken is finally letting his dislike of Pete come through, Pete is finally realizing that the perfect life his father laid down for him isn't what he wants and is starting to think about what

I think that's a good point. There are very few ways we see how society is changing during the 60s, but it's always through generational differences. Megan is kind of our looking glass to see how young people are acting and thinking and feeling during a fairly turbulent decade. They also provide us with perhaps the

I thought it was mentioned during The Codfish Ball episode that she is French, and Emile is Canadian. It's not explained beyond that, but it accounts for her accent. As far as grammar goes, it's been 45 years since this time period, and language changes. I know that German today as spoken by younger people in Germany

The beau finally got his machine in December, after three months of me refusing to sleep in the same room as him because I just couldn't take the snores anymore. It has made a world of difference, and has literally saved our relationship. Now, not only can we sleep in the same bed again, he actually has the energy and

Does someone have to be trying to "bang" me for me to feel uncomfortable exposing myself to him? Maybe I just don't like the idea of a stranger seeing me intimately regardless of their gender, but I am more able to handle a woman doing so than a man doing so. Mammograms are hugely uncomfortable, especially if you're

women used to have to walk nude in front of a panel of experts who determined whether they were suitable to compete in the 1960s

Everything I see about this game makes me more excited for it.

Gongs can be, and mostly are, played softly.

I'm pretty sure the only reason I haven't gained weight in the year and half I've been working retail out of college is that I work in a bookstore where I have to life large heavy boxes, walk around fixing shelves customers destroy and the like. Just being up and moving once an hour makes a huge difference. At least,

No kidding, right? Also, it isn't "states' rights" to limit the rights of their citizens, like my parents would have you believe about things like NC outlawing gay marriage. I've been a big fan of centralizing everything for years now. We have the technology to do this, unlike the founding fathers. 240ish years ago,

What. I can't even.

Um, I have Pineapple Express lip balm by Shaka Laka in my pocket and some plains Burt's Bees peppermint stuff in my purse. Does that count? I can't stand wearing lipstick.

I've read that the queen uses her purse as a code, so maybe the other royals do, as well?


Good god. Is this for the whole country, or just an area? I can't tell where the data is coming from.

Where are you getting this from? That's really pretty shocking! an excellent point.

People keep pointing out Winter's Bone as evidence of her talent, but I think it's more evident of her lack of skills. It's a good movie, and thoroughly depressing as someone who grew up in that kind of environment, but she fades so completely into the background of it. She's not really a bad actress; more that she's

I did watch it, at the behest of many who told me the same thing. I was unimpressed. Pretty much everyone else in that movie was good, but she just fades into the background of everything she does. It's kind of unfair to say she's bad actress. It's more that she's completely unremarkable as an actress and doesn't do