
As someone who grew up in southern Appalachia, I pictured her as American Indian, as well, or perhaps Latina. I was unhappy with Lawrence as Katniss since she's too pretty, too white, too old, too developed and too bad an actress to carry the Hunger Games.

Why do we see so many nude photos in fashion magazines? Isn't fashion supposed to be about what you're wearing and how you're wearing it? Nudity, while awesome, does not have a place in fashion. What's even worse is that we're supposed to think this is somehow edgy and new and shocking. I've seen plenty of naked

I'm sure it has nothing to do with my level of subjective attractiveness. It's been proven many times that women of all ages, shapes, colors and level of attractiveness are harassed. There's also a big difference in being approached and being harassed.

Thanks for the solidarity! :) And you're right, it's such a stupid thing to get upset not getting—we don't even want it!—but not getting it still makes you wonder if you're just not attractive. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

I have heard that before. I walk upright, looking strait ahead with a long, confident stride and I suffer from chronic bitchface, even when happy. I'm also fairly tall for this part of the country, so that could be part of it. Still, you would think that if that's all it took to avoid street harassment, we'd have

Aren't some anti-choice organizations on terrorist lists drawn up by the government? I know some individuals are.

I don't get cat-called. I take public transit when possible, I walk places alone, I am still pretty young (older women experience street harassment in lower numbers than young women), I have a hour-glass figure and I just don't experience this. I got wolf-whistled once when I was 12 at a county band concert, but

I don't get cat-called either. I take public transit when possible, I walk places alone, I am still pretty young (older women experience street harassment in lower numbers than young women) and I just don't. I got wolf-whistled once when I was 12 at a county band concert, but absolutely nothing since then.

You have to keep in mind that if someone isn't strong enough for a certain job, they don't get to do that job. Period. The military has standards for a reason. You also have to keep in mind that women are stronger than most people give them credit for. I work in a book store, meaning that I life boxes for a living.

Magazines usually come out a month before the actual month they're for, kind of how cars for 2012 come out in 2011. So putting out the June issue in May is pretty standard, if somewhat weird.

I think the hat looks fantastic. Normally, I am a fan of putting hair up all the time, and especially for an occasion as formal as meeting the queen. However, I do not understand the big deal about arms. Her dress isn't sleeveless, so why does it matter? (I am honestly curious here!) What about people like me who

Yeah, I feel you. His assurances of "But I'll be there to help you with the baby!" fall pretty flat when his idea of "helping" is putting his laundry away a week after it was washed and leaving the garbage to rot in the hallway for four days before he takes it out after I loose my patience and scream at him.

I agree with you a billion percent. All these studies say over and over again if you're a woman, nothing will lower your standard of living and personal happiness like a child will. I decided years and years and years ago I didn't want kids and while I sometimes reexamine my decision, I always come to the same

That sounds interesting...I'll look into it, thanks!

My first real introduction to this whole concept of romance in games being not-creepy was probably Dragon Age: Origins. I played it because I love fantasy, I love the power trip of being an awesome sword-swinging lady. It wasn't until halfway through the game I realized I could pursue a romantic relationship with the

Yeah, it's pretty weird to be thinking of 12 year olds in the same position to do anything that a 32 year old can...Hell, I'm 24, right smack in the middle of this "generation," and I feel like your average 32 year old is probably in a vastly different position financially than I am.

Uh, no. They're 12-32 years old. Gen Y = Millennials = Echo Boom = Generation Debt = whatever stupid label people are slapping on us now.

What The Gadget said. Good on all accounts!

I just want to say that spending time on this website over the last many months and reading comments and articles like this one has really changed how I treat people in regards to their weight—no matter what it is/appears to be. I've always tried to be nice, but now I'm aware of saying things like "But you look so

It's also the ONLY superhero movie I know of that passes the Bechdel test, so she may have a point there!