
Just so you know, you are now my new Internet Best Friend! (NB: Internet Best Friends have a life span of around 2-3 weeks before being replaced by something else awesome.)

Tell me about it! I am constantly pulling shit out and throwing it away, from shelves to books to dvds and even off the counter. I've caught people and politely and pointedly asked them to stop littering in my store.

So we have the whole "truth in advertising" thing to keep companies from lieing to the public, right? Why on earth don't we have something similar for every place that proffers to give medical advice of any nature on any condition? A law that prevents these places from outright lieing to people like they're doing


Yeah, I miss a lot of the more subtle pieces of patriarchy/male gaze/putting women down, and even more so when it's coming from a place of wanting to help people in some fashion, no matter how misguided. I actually lost a good friend in college about it because she seemed so irrationally angry about stuff, to the

I must confess...I'm having a hard time seeing what is problematic to the point of writing about it about this gesture. A little condescending, maybe. And I see there are problems in a boy telling girls what to do in order to please boys/him, but. I guess I can't get over how good that letter would have made me feel

I work in a used book store that sells quite a bit through Amazon. Everything for us is good; we do our own shipping and storing and filling. But like someone said below, they take a 20% commission, so you'll still be supporting them. However, if it's something you really want, try to contact the company directly and

Thank you for saying this better than I could. I come from a military family, and I would have gone in but my eyes are far too bad. I get irrationally angry—foaming at the mouth—when people say shit like that about the military.

Same. It's all I ask for as gifts anymore.

They're kind of expensive, but if you're worried about price, they will make you a sample size of everything. EVERYTHING. They will charge you for some things and not for others, and I've never really understood how that works. But if you say, "I want to try this soap, can I have a $3 slice?" they will hack you off a

I thought her writing was good, too! Do you know if she's written anything else without all the rape and beatings? I liked Claire's voice and I wish I could have continued.

Yeah, I thought about keeping on reading after the beating because she kind of comes to terms with the fact that he was doing it because it's how he was raised and he really did think it was in her best interests—he wasn't doing it to be cruel or because he thought it was fun. He felt it was his responsibility to

It's a couple of pages later, when they get back to Colum's castle thing place. (Sorry, I don't have the book on hand anymore to find the name.) After Claire confronts him about Loaghear (I know I spelled that wrong...sorry!) they have some very violent, passionate, intense sex. Some people might not consider it rape,

That is an excellent tip, thank you! I will be sure to check there in the future.

Okay, Jezzies, can we talk about something? Couple days ago I picked up Outlander by Diana Gabaldon because it's said to be very good and I wanted a romance novel that wasn't really a romance novel, you dig? I had my doubts at first (felt very stereotypical "wild woman conquered by a manly man and then she melts into

I'm going off the kerfluffel this summer over the new pat-down procedures which involve, amongst other things, using the palms of the hands, going up the leg until the side of the hand is against the juncture of the legs (which is where my labia are) and cupping the breasts to determine if anything is inside the bra.

Am I the only one who would much, MUCH rather go through the scanner than have my labia fondled by a stranger? I don't care about the cancer possibility; live long enough and you'll get cancer of something. The human body just starts to break down eventually. And I'm not bothered by the possibility of some random dude

Hear, hear! Although giant jungle animals are pretty great, too. I have a lion and a giraffe from the beau. :)

This is probably the cutest thing ever. I hope I get a proposal this awesome!

Yeah, I grew up in an area where many, many of the roads are not even paved once you get away from the highway so directions will often have such lines as "turn right at the second paved road." And then you have to explain to out-of-towners that the second paved road is not the same as the second road.