
The added bit at the end from several religious leaders makes me really happy. See, not all of us religious folks are crazy and unable to find common ground and compromise!

Am I the only person who HATES being called "miss" with a burning firey passion? To me, it's what you call children, and I am most certainly not a child. (Although I will admit I'm kind of sensitive about being treated as a child.) Everyone I know thinks I'm crazy when it comes to this, but it just bothers me so much!

Amen, sister! It's like they've forgotten all about how much people hated them when they were young! Oh, wait...

What was the point of this article? I eat frozen diet food, and you know what? I've lost weight and lowered my cholesterol—and neither were frighteningly to begin with. So what if they don't look like package—nothing does. Ever. And home-cooked dinners often don't look that much different. I really don't appreciate

Re: Carla Speed McNeil: YES. I found her at the Small Press Expo in Bethesda, MD this September and she's great. May I recommend Talisman in addition to Voice? It's about trying to find/recreate that one perfect story from your childhood you lost. Or, in her words, "It's about falling in love with a book." It's

Wow. I had *no idea* there was that much variance in how labia look. I've seen some "hanging" labia minora in porn before, but nothing quite like some the women shown. No wonder so many women think they're "abnormal" if so many of us look nothing like the photoshopped versions. I'm still kind of in shock. I feel like

I just wanted to say that this is really well-written article, and to thank you for writing it. You make some very well-reasoned arguments about rape culture and why victim blaming is awful, and how we do it. I hope you don't mind if I use some of your arguments in future conversations!

Um, being jealous of you. That's what I'm doing.

Argh, clicked the wrong button and can't figure out how to delete, sorry!

I never got the feeling that hipsters ever take themselves seriously. I mean, the biggest mockers of hipsters I know are hipsters. Mostly I just like to watch the spectacle of it all.

It reminds me of MGMT videos, especially Electric Feel. (Which if you have not seen, get thee to youtube!)

I have no advice to give, sorry. I do however, have an anecdote that may make you feel better! I studied abroad in Japan a year and half ago. That is a hella long flight, and I nearly lost it when I realized the seat next to me was for a two year old. That said, she turned out to be the sweetest, most well-behaved

Maybe brainstorm potential topics of small talk? The worst is having nothing to talk about. Or ask weird questions, like "What the worst joke you've ever heard?" Or maybe this is terrible advice. I'm sorry! My conversations usually go something like "Wanna go?"

This is my whole life. I had a minor freak-out last night because I realized Monday will be one year from when I graduated. I'm working as a check-out girl in a used book store and while I don't hate it, per se, I sure don't love it. I have been depressed for months because I cannot for the life of me find a job

I'm wondering where this description was lifted from within the book. Larsson often uses the "voice" of other characters to describe Lisbeth, so it's possible this was lifted from one such passage. There are several characters who are, shall we say, less than concerned about issues related to eating disorders and body

Yes, it is. This kind of comment is really rude and judgmental. You have no idea why someone may not be able to eat that amount of food. As has been pointed out, there are entire institutions whose sole purpose is making that judgement difficult if not downright impossible. Many, many people have problematic

Indeed he has. Mrar.

False. I have been a gamer since 8, and all of my female friends who play games have similar stories. I didn't need a man to point out that games are fun.

Same here! We're in a constant race to see who gets home first from work so we can lay claim to the PS3 first.

Okay, so, I'm just gonna say it: