
My goodness, that is one tasty Pita.

the GOP let the horse out of the barn a long time ago but only now is closing the doors. Except it wasn’t really a horse, but a mangy goat covered in rotten marmalade who thinks he’s a unicorn.

she wishes she was nearly that good a dancer.

What a fucking idiot. You chose this life, just walk past the cameras, smile and get in the fucking car like a normal human. Some celebrities are just asses.

The “stop picking on her! WHY ARE YOU MAKING FUN OF HER? SHE’S JUST A REGULAR GIRL?” comments are too much for me.

Here is Taylor making her way to her SUV from another angle.

Samantha Bee is pointing out that there is a sizable group of assholes admitting they have little to worry about because they’re white, spouting the same slogans as Trump supporters, heckling Civil Rights leaders... Unless that’s you, you’re not the Bernie supporter being made fun of.

Um, you do realise that it you’re part of the 90% of sane Bernie supporters who are supporting Hillary even if she wasn’t your choice of candidate, then this isn’t about you? Why so defensive then? or are you actually defending the Bernouts morons saying they’d rather vote for trump than Hillary?

And shouting down John Lewis, an American civil-rights hero, helps Bernie’s cause how??

I think the reason they cherry pick the assholes is because there were enough of them showing up at the DNC acting disrespectfully and disrupting speakers. And it may have just been these few loud cherry picked assholes - but they were disrespectful enough that they deserve to be called out. Also that is Samantha

Feel better now?

Dude, chill.

I feel weird for liking Hillary Clinton. I knows it's an unpopular position. She reminds me of my mom in a good way.

No. When people say stupid anti-science shit, Gizmodo writes about it.

Gary Johnson said he’d give me a piggyback ride if I published this

need a citation on her pledge to overturn Citizen’s United. I was under the impression that was going to be left alone under a Clinton administration.

Why on the earth would you think that? Do you even remember what that case was about, who Citizens United targeted? She has said that she’ll get the ball rolling on a Constitutional amendment in the first 30 days.

citizens united was created specifically to attack hillary clinton! it was literally created to bring her down. amazing to me that people on the left have believed all the right-wing lies disguised as left-wing stuff.…

I admire your attempt, but most people I know who feel this way about Clinton don’t “believe” that she’ll “follow through” with those things. I fear that, once again, any obstructionism by Congress that causes compromise or slow progress will be interpreted as the President not trying hard enough. Sigh.