
I was born in Brooklyn, spoke Italian at home, moved to North Jersey as a child, went to school in the deep south, dated a native Englishman, and now live in New England. I’ve been told I’m a chameleon with my accents, and adapt to whomever I speak to. Was a real boon with the tips during the college waitressing

So, question, if anyone can offer insight. There are no littles in the family yet, but I’d like to start throwing spare cash into an investment account/fund for my future nieces or nephews. What is the easiest way to do this? Should I open up a roth IRA and then roll it over into something later? (This is strictly

This is why I love my vet. My dogs had their puppy shots as scheduled. Rabies every three years, titers run at the annual check up to see what else need to be topped up. They get the bordetella shot yearly, but that’s because the daycare they go to requires it. Kennel cough is no joke, but I’m glad they went from