Dozens of countries have contained this epidemic with testing, masks, and contact tracing—Republicans have fought against all of these things. Trump leads them with his refusal to wear a mask and shutting down state run contact tracing programs.
Dozens of countries have contained this epidemic with testing, masks, and contact tracing—Republicans have fought against all of these things. Trump leads them with his refusal to wear a mask and shutting down state run contact tracing programs.
I’ve taught kindergarten for 20 years. I’ve seen how kids interact. Parents can support kids via observation and playdates. A school playground is a tricky place for kids to connect. It’s much easier to connect when it one on one during a playdate. Playdates help children connect to other kids. Here is the procedure…
I am for gun control, but there is another way to drastically reduce this type of shooting. As a kindergarten teacher, I teach kids emotion regulation. Teachers need training and time to teach emotion regulation. I teach kids how to recognize feelings and give them tools to change these feelings. After working with…
The budget cuts on schools, health care, and infrastructure for the wealthy were all for an economic stimulus that never happened. It’s funny no one talks about how Trump’s tax cuts had no effect on the economy. Over 20 years, my school’s budget has been cut in half, so billionaires can have more money. In any case,…
Over the past 20 years, my school’s budget has been cut in half all so wealthy people can get a tax break. After cutting school budgets to almost nothing, the promised economic stimulus never came, so now Republicans are already yelling for more budget cuts for our schools. To make things worse, legislators have…
Over the last 20 years, I’ve seen the budget for my school cut in half. In addition, class sizes have increased. We are no longer investing in our future. Over the years legislators have replaced emotion regulation curriculum and vastly increased testing while giving mass tax cuts to the wealthy. Please donate to my…
A way to vastly reduce these types of shootings is education. Kindergarten teacher used to have time to help kids build strong emotion regulation/social skills. I’ve been teaching kindergarten for 20 years. Over the years legislators have replaced emotion regulation curriculum and vastly increased testing. Please…
I’d get rid of my Pixel2 in a minute. The basic functions of the phone suck. The basic touch input is slow and awkward. It crashes often. Uploading music to it is a pain. My Pixel has been replaced 3 times because it bricked (Google will replace it with a used phone). Google is currently refunding most folks that…
This is great advice. Kids don’t think like adults. I’ve taught kindergarten for 20 years. There is an art to talking to 5 year olds.
There are some great deals on Amazon. There is also a great deal for donations to my classroom. Google will match any donation to my class here:
There are some great deals on Amazon. There is also a great deal for donations to my classroom. Google will match…
As a kindergarten teacher, I teach these skills every day. If you are interested in great books for social/emotional learning for kids visit my blog at:
These are all great ideas. As a teacher, I’ve found cardboard boxes are also great. If you’re interested in awesome books for kids take a look at my blog at:
As I get older, I’m more forgetful and less focused—this makes my job even more stressful. Also, I now need glasses and my high metabolism disappeared. Right when I figure out my job, my body falls apart. It’s like I have to find the zen of my job all over again.
I started teaching 20 years ago. My school started with 150 students. It now has 360. Our budget is smaller and we have less staff. I spend a lot of time fund raising for books and pencils. This time, I’m trying to get instruments for my students. A donation can be made to my kindergarten class here:
Republicans are awful for education. They create laws that get in the way of teaching, they cut funding, and then they say nothing but negative things about teachers. The irony is that a lot of the problems found in education were created by either Republican created laws or by Republican lead education focused budget…
I own a pixel 2. It sucks. Google replaced it 4 times. Each replacement was broken in some major way. My current one has a speaker issue too, but I’m afraid to get it replaced because it might be replaced by a crappier pixel phone—None of the pixel 2 phones seem to work. I’m surprised anyone is still buying the new…
Android version @
uniqlo has the softest long underwear. Remember that long underwear is not good for long walks--It chafes.
There were 6 or 7 cops yelling at him. He doesn’t know what to do because so many cops are yelling. The cops are yelling in unison to confuse him. Some of the cops are telling him to do different things. There is no way to comply with 3-4 directives. The cops set up an automatic resistance, because there is no way…
I’ve taught kindergarten for 20 years. Parents should understand that kindergarten has changed radically. End of the year expectations are much much higher. At the end of the year kids need to be able to read simple books and write 3-5 sentence paragraphs. It is much more likely for kids to achieve these goals if they…