
Dear Jeep: That’s not how torque splits work.

Can somebody explain how the center diff ACTUALLY works? The center diff almost certainly has a fixed mechanical torque split, (maybe with a computer controlled lockup clutch?).

Cars driving in straight lines makes for terrible videos.

This racing sounds like absolute shite to both watch and participate in.

STIs that see track time on the stock tune WILL have piston ringlands failure. Always. It’s just a matter of time.

Considering that the Sales departments generally provides negative value, there is really no reason at all for them to make any money on a sale.

If that was the top of 3rd gear and into 4th then it’s over 90mph.

The Model X already IS a van.

This is the automotive enthusiast community you’re addressing. We’re the ones who realize that ‘crossover’ is just a marketing term to sell minivans to people who think that minivans are as fashionable as socks & sandals.

When you say old cars had dark dashboards when the headlights are off, you are mistaken. Most cars have bright dash lighting when the headlights off, and the dash lighting dims (not brightens!) when the headlights are turned on.

That’s a funny looking Mustang.

Based on the pic & particularly the way the truck is leaning, I would say precisely 1 wheel fell off.

Restrictions like this don’t just “go away”. They’re pretty much permanent unless a large number of people take action to make the change. Long after guns are regulated, people will be wondering why they can’t put tint on their flying car - because the air police might think you have an ion cannon! hahaha. If you were

I love the steel reinforced front lip on the ‘vette. That’s essential when doing snow shenanigans, especially when the temperature is below -10 since plastic gets very brittle.

But then you wouldn’t be paying market price for the car. That’s the problem - the fact that you MUST haggle to get market value.

“Why is there the assumption that buying a dealer car is some big difficult haggling session where the dealer is assumed to be ripping you off at every turn..”?

Because buying a dealer car is a haggling session where the dealer is trying to rip you off at every turn. Fact. If you don’t realize this, I can only imagine

My STI is the best family car possible. I have had 2 car seats in it for 2+ years without any space issues. Loading a double stroller is no problem. I require a roof rack & cargo bin for camping trips, but only when the hatch is carrying a large cooler.