usually the tiny mirrors that are on camera phones are convex so you can see what your entire face looks like instead of just a portion of it.
usually the tiny mirrors that are on camera phones are convex so you can see what your entire face looks like instead of just a portion of it.
it takes me 10 minutes to go to the store around the corner a pick up a tub for a few bucks. Probably less expensive than me trying to find dry ice suppliers and pay for it.
whats wrong with aero peek?
i didn't read the full article, but in order for it to work on demand, you would need to buy minutes from a wireless provider. Personally, even though I go to work everyday from 9-5, I usually don't leave at exactly the same time everyday, so the calendar would be sorta useless. And even if it did, I'd end up spending…
interesting but seems pretty excessive. Personally I prefer a clean desktop. This seems like it just adds more space which means more clutter in the long run.
I still don't understand all the hype of widescreen monitors (for anything OTHER than gaming maybe). If you compare a 22" widescreen and 22" fullscreen, the fullscreen is definitely bigger. So instead of getting 1 widescreen monitor, get 2 fullscreens... it just like 1 big widescreen monitor.
you gotta love the available-to-anyone "Be Original" wallpaper... really original /rolleyes
@.rawr: ??... looks like a plain ol' ikea desk. But I could be wrong.
i've heard the rice thing doesn't work from several sources. #repair
Is Quicken Online for Canada affected as well? Will it go away in six-nine months? #mint
awesome. i'm running xbmc on a mac and those are my biggest 2 issues: playback & skins! FIrst of all, dvd playback was unacceptable and video file playback (like avi) was sub-par at times! I also had so many problems with skins... 2 or 3 of the popular ones were buggy as hell (i.e. bad navigation repsonses, titles and…
Irish Spring bar soap +1 #tips
@AtomFury: Unless he was referring to the heatsink or fan(s), in which he was absolutely right. If the heatsink or fans failed, the processor would most likely burn out and possibly other components of the computer. #warranties
@FooSchnickens - Forklift Dirver Extraordinaire: The problem with that is, when you actually need to use the ghost image again (probably several months later), all the installed software is outdated and/or no longer developed.
FYI, XdN Tweaker does not need to be installed. DOwnload Universal Extractor and use it on the XdN setup file. It will extract the contents of the setup. You can delete the "$PLUGINSDIR" directory, it's only used for the actual installer's UI.
i thought XP had the Eject option in the context menu. I'm running Win7 now so I can't test it, but I could have sworn it did. #tips
@aaron.johnson: screw Chrome, get Iron ... it's Chrome without Google spying on your activity :) #omnibar
@Mashtooth: oh yeah, how can I forget mandolux!! thanks for reminding me and everyone :)
#9 is going to be useless in Windows 7. They've disabled/discontinued AutoPlay (probably because of all the auplay viruses that have popped up in the past couple years).