
Former sex educator here:

I have to admit that, as an adoptee, I have a hard time with what you said about a child being removed geographically giving you a sense of security. If that's the case, I really recommend you take a good hard look at your reasons for adopting and at your own ideas about adoption and identity. It's hugely complicated

I hear you. My parents are not bad, per se: they never did awful things to me or others (that I know of), we just...are very different and have little in common. And yes, they are also quite racist and often homophobic or otherwise judgmental. So I just have no desire to actually spend time with most of my family. I


Yes, this. I was about to say:

Right? Today, I boasted to my bff that I showered! Twice in one week! AND I brushed my teeth! What might seem inconsequential or even not-enough for others is a giganimous step of self-care for me.

A-HA! Thank you! All my searching in Jez and my Googling was for naught.

If we're talking about things they should address, how about that giant Hugo Schwyzer mess?


I haven't, no. But! If you are in love with this mastiff-muffin, see if you can get him the Canine Good Citizen certification. Also, consider making a little flyer about yourself and your animal(s) for prospective landlords. A friend of mine who had 3 dogs (2 big, 1 small) and 1 cat and a partner did that and it

Dude, we are in similar places. I just started therapy a month ago. I am kindasortamaybe on the edge of starting to come out of a serious depression. I stopped caring about my apartment and let it get embarassingly filthy. I stopped showering regularly and brushing my teeth. I isolated myself more and more from family

Ugh, that sounds so hard. I'm sorry.

Honestly, that's one of the reasons I got out of customer service jobs: I was starting to just really hate humanity. Which isn't helpful for you, I guess, but more of a "hey buddy, I've been there."

Okay, how the hell does one get a Group Think and/or Powder Room blog thingy? And what the heck is the difference between the two?

I don't understand why that gif is a thing, but I like it.

Side note because my own dog recently died and I can't deal with the actual content of your question without falling to pieces:

Man, a warning for those damn autoplay videos on HuffPo woulda been nice. your eyes or brains automatically filter out any words like "white" and "privilege" and "lack of understanding of institutional power dynamics, systems of oppression" and "intersectional feminism"? Because those concepts (and more) are all mentioned in any critique of Sandberg that I've read.

If you try to take Nathan Fillion away from us...