atomicnumber's hard not to see this as using the kid to get back at her, rather than what's actually best for the kid. Ugh. I hate when divorcing parents pull this kind of shit.

So basically she's dressing like all the queer femmes I knew in the early 2000s. Except we fully embraced the sleaze and generally added fishnets and stompy boots.

I fully expect to be able to walk into a Mac store soon and request the latest iPhone model: the Lepidorae edition.

I actually know at least one 4-year-old boy who LOVES her. He specifically requests to watch the Dance Apocalyptic video and sometimes sings Tightrope to himself.

This calls for a celebration!

Yeah, I went the illegal streaming route and skipped ahead. Patience: I do not have any.

No, sorry, I was thinking of O'Brien's replacement, Baxter.

Edited because I was completely thinking of the wrong character. Carry on! You are correct: Edna Braithwaite was creepy and awful.

I don't think that's what MorgendorfferSyndrome25 was trying to say. I mean, it'd be ridiculous to never include rape in storylines, because of course it is a Thing That Happens to People. It felt unnecessary because it was gratuitous and stereotypical and trite in its execution as a plot point. The writers failed.

THANK GOD this is finally airing in the US. I watched it online a few months ago and haven't had anyone to process my feeeeelings about this episode with.

Oh, FFS. That's not even a mean joke, really.

What was the original joke even about? It all just seems so silly.

If I never hear that damn phrase again, it'll be too soon.

Also, as an adoptee myself, I get all sorts of cranky when words and ideas like "admirable" "noble" and "needy" come up. I'm a person, not someone's frickin' charity case/pity party. Blargh.

I actually let loose a little involuntary "YAY!" when your pup got through! D♥gs.

Seriously. The "just adopt" argument really ignores the shady, fucked-up history (and often current) of the adoption industry. Which isn't to say "don't adopt." I just wish more adoptive parents were thoughtful and deliberately ethical about their participation in it.

This looks like maroon and red together. I can't handle maroon and red together. Reminds me of my colorblind stepfather, who used to wear hideously clashing colors.

I read the first paragraph of that Kardashian piece in Lumpy Space Princess voice.

Beats me. I just really enjoyed the flouncing. Bless his heart.

Wait, did Shia LeBwhatever actually just publicly flounce out of public life?