Right? My favorite is a nice simple vanilla bean. Sometimes with broken-up brownies in it because it is damn delicious.
Right? My favorite is a nice simple vanilla bean. Sometimes with broken-up brownies in it because it is damn delicious.
I'll also add that I often use pixlr.com for quick adjustments (cropping, resizing, color, etc.) to images. It's similar to Photoshop, but free and online.
I am looking forward to all of the diadem accessorizing that will surely happen.
It's like Corey has a vindictive mission against Alexander, going out of their way to try to find any technicality, legitimate or not. Jeezus. Ugh. I want some richypants to offer Alexander a vacation spa package after this is all done. And a trust fund.
I sweartagawd she's doing minor duckface here.
Maybe I've been reading too much Sociological Images lately, but I'm struck by the poses. Out of 36 female celebrities, 9 do not pose with their hands on their hips.
Holy crap, she's gorgeous here. Wow.
I hear ya. I wish I could dismiss the comments on this thread that weren't replies to me, cuz there is some serious dipshittery going on with lemonlight, DyloniusFunk, and papasilverman. Ironical, that, since my original post was about NOT feeding the trolls. I guess I also meant: don't feed the dipshits.
Me too. It's like those little wood thingies that are supposed to say "jesus" but I can never see that either.
Reallllly? Because in this particular post, I count one non-gray comment and three gray comments that disagree or otherwise do not praise her. So yeah.
Yeah, we (the vets and I) were pretty sure my dog was used as a bait puppy (for dog fighting) before I found him. People are awful, pets are great indeed.
Yep. I lived in an old trailer once rather than abandon my dog. It actually never even occurred to me to leave him.
To paraphrase Buffy (because I am totally that kind of nerd): You're right: an abandoned pet in need has nothing to do with their job.
Predictably, management evicted the cat
I think I love you.
Kimmel is the douchebro with beady eyes.
I have probably rewatched this 5 or 6 times and it makes me verklempt every. single. time. So good!
Also a gif that never, ever gets old.