IT'S NOT REAL. The number 666 is an error and it should be 616.
IT'S NOT REAL. The number 666 is an error and it should be 616.
Oh FFS. It's the runner who was assigned 616 who should be concerned about her immortal soul. OBVIOUSLY.
Seems like they're kinda different genres; how about feature BOTH? I'm all about the both/and, not the either/or.
He is indeed an excellent little spoon.
I guess. I just can't have too many empathy feelings for him; I identify way more with Awkward Girl than Dudebro Athlete.
That, too. Bless her heart.
And you don't have a celebrity exception?! What kind of a marriage is that?! WHAT, I ASK YOU.
My boyfriend Taye Diggs is always so dapper and stylish.
And you shall get them from here:
I kinda can't handle how much I love the smell of fresh puppy. Like, all I want to do is snorgle and inhale deeply.
Is anyone else having vicarious mortification on behalf of the overly excited teenage girl who injured Ryan Lochte? I feel for her way more than I do him.
Well, I will say that both of my local Safeways and my local Fred Meyer had sales on Barilla for a few weeks last month. Coincidence? Dunno, but I also have not bought any of those single serve thingies because of all this. Which hurts a bit, because they used to be my "oops I forgot to bring my lunch" lunch.
I would instead like to talk about how I don't use Hulu anymore because they're up to FIVE freakin' commercials at a time. I could deal with three, but there's a reason I watch TV online and I'll give you a hint: it's because of the relative lack of commercials.
Plagiarism is an ethics issue, full stop.
I will gladly be her second.
Because we now all have (or should have) this stuck in our heads:
I did not know that and I thank you for this valuable information.