It's a beautiful dream. Never give up.
It's a beautiful dream. Never give up.
Is it weird that I read this in a Charlie Brown character voice? Maybe it was Linus...
Ah, I do love some good mascara the right context, duh. But luckily you are an intelligent person who doesn't need to have that spelled out, unlike our trolly friend here.
It's really, really unfortunate that you don't understand the concept of consent.
And it bums me out even more when it's queer or feminist parents! I just...expect more.
There's a quote by Ann Fausto-Sterling that says something to the effect of "we're more alike than we are different, but we take those differences and focus on them and blow them out of proportion."
NooooOOoOOoOOO, Perez Hilton as anything.
When you say "Zimmerman," I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you are talking about Shellie, not George, because certainly nowhere did I ever say that I felt sympathy for George Zimmerman and it would be a huge twist to say that I did.
Or maybe you could actually learn about what it's like to be the victim in an abusive relationship and get over yourself. Why didn't she say anything before now? Who knows? But abuse isn't just/only physical: it fucks with your head, the abuser creates an intimidating and controlling atmosphere.
Ahh, sweet-but-not-so-innocent Kaylee...
Mostly it's because I will watch anything sci-fi/fantasy. I have almost no standards.
I am underwhelmed by the painting. And confused as to how the painting could get this far without anyone noticing the lack of Sotomayor's reflection.
Are we just calling any old short haircut on a woman a pixie cut these days?
I still think Stahma Tarr does it best.
I know a couple of professional midwives, and they recommend it, but they're not like "OMG YOU MUST DO THIS" about it.
I will never forget the first time I saw a goat's eyes. It was profoundly unsettling.
Ah, leave it to Scalzi to be all smart and apt and shit.
Really? I AM SHOCKED. Mostly just shocked that you missed my point that these people who are claiming the Christian identity are actually following the example of Jesus.
Good point. How about Selective Old Testamenters. SOTs.