
Oh god, that episode.

Excellent point!

OMG, I LITERALLY just watched that episode yesterday, in my sickbed. If there's anyone smarmier than Riker, I don't want to hear about it.

I don't wanna gender-police here, but um...isn't that a Penis Woman and Vagina Man? (Which, personally, I think is even radder than the other way around.)

I love a Buffy gif as much as the next obsessed Whedonite, but omg, this one...nope. SMG is the WORST at laughter-acting, bless her heart.

I don't disagree, but I think that's a whole 'nother article. And definitely one that should be done.

He really did. I was impressed; he brought a lot of poignancy to a character that easily could've been unlikeable.

Which cracks me up, because I'm an EDITOR, ffs, and I DON'T CARE! It's all about audience and context, and I love to point to Lindy West's writing as an example of brilliant, purposeful flouting of grammatical rules.

Me, too! I don't even remember my parents together (I was 2), and I'm really glad cuz I'm pretty sure it would've made my life hell if they'd stayed together. And I largely got on well with my step-parents, so I lucked out.

Mean, heartless, vile...and proof that cunning does not mean smart. Because he is really not very smart.

Right? I keep getting confused about how far along she is because she's not showing very much.

And if he wants to pay me $40/hour (which is about what heavy copy editing would run), I would totally be that editor!

Oh god, the dangling hair poo of horror!

NOOO!!! She used to come into the Lex when I lived in SF, and swarms of hungry, happy queers would gather 'round. I always really appreciated that she'd have at least 2 vegetarian options; and they were deeeelicious. She's AWESOME and I am glad to hear that her customers are rallying around her. Also, I am glad to

Another reason why things like The CAIR Project in Washington are so, so important. They help provide funds to women in need.

omg. As an adoptee myself, I freakin' HATE the idea that adopted people are supposed to be anti-choice (I'm not saying that you're saying that, just that both adoptees and non-adoptees seem to often have that idea).

This gif is perfection. PERFECTION.

I think your way was better.