
When I lived there years ago, I usually just walked to the Civic Center station to catch BART, where I was much less likely to be sexually harassed.

I relented and googled. I assumed she was some random young new-money upstart. Turns out she's heir to the Guinness beer fortune, a "fashion icon" and is 45.

Who the hell is Daphne Guinness?

Right. Which is why I said "implication." I did read it as implied, but it sounds like I misunderstood.

Listen, I love many things about the UK, but your implication that somehow there's no racism there is just silly. Yes, there are certainly cultural variations, and there may be more interracial couples/families (anyone got stats?), but that doesn't mean that it's some sort of rainbow happyland where racism just

Two things:

"more attractive"?

Good question. I do not understand the math.

She's two years old, not two months.


Their 'tocks are seriously out of control.

His smile is so...Steven Newlin-y.

In my fantasy, though, money is no object. YAY FANTASY EMMA THOMPSON-DOCTOR!

I always get my Minnesota accent back when I talk to my family. Or Canadians. I'm sure it's still lurking around in your brain somewhere!

Yep, we will, cuz we Americans are pretty ignorant of internal British class-accent politics, so...preettttyyyy much any British accent of any flavor gets us swooning and smiling.

I just love this gif so much.

Finally watched it. I think I do not have a hard enough heart of a cast-iron enough stomach for this shit.

I've seen Ejiofor pop up before, and I actually think he'd be better than Elba. Just something about him.

That's a lovely, lovely rumor.

Right? I mean, it's Great Britain, they've only got so many actors...