I've never understood the hubbub about this. I remember an a distant family relative freaking out on me and my cousin once for doing the swinging thing with a younger cousin of ours.
I've never understood the hubbub about this. I remember an a distant family relative freaking out on me and my cousin once for doing the swinging thing with a younger cousin of ours.
Via my amazing googling powers! (aka, I just image searched "pony play" - this image seemed more her Joanne's style than all the shiny leather)
Here's another probably unintended consequence of you complimenting your mixed race friends on their skin color: it can imply that dark-skinned folks are not attractive. That may not be what you mean, but given the combo of racism and colorism in most modern societies, that could be the effect.
It is adorable. And reminds me that I need a new cozy black hoodie.
Can we also just talk about how painfully adorable and earnest this little one is? UGH TOO CUTE.
Listen, if Jay Smooth can be everyone-I-know-even-the-lesbians' boyfriend, then Patrick Stewart can be husband to us all-even-the-lesbians!
Smart planning, doing the margaritas AFTER.
Right? And the resulting standing ovation from many of the men present? It's heartening.
And I think the way he talks about it is PERFECT: his father's experiences of PTSD don't absolve him from responsibility, but they do provide understanding. And as hard as it is, we (as a society) have got to look at more of the root causes of violence.
I just saw that. It's like I was PSYCHIC!
1. I was LITERALLY just thinking yesterday how much I wished there was a trampoline workout class. That shit is fun. I once played "gymnastics class" with a 3rd grader (she was my coach") for three hours and had a blast. Didn't even realize I was getting a workout until the next day when allll my muscles were sore…
I think you miss my point. He makes it sound like this is a constant thing, rather than the occasional "yowza" about a stranger. "When I try to think of the women I've interacted with over the past 12 hours, I can't really pull up any distinct images, as I would normally do with ease" sounds a lot like not being able…
Is it just me, or is this Hinds dude kinda Schwyzer-y?
No, but when you apparently can't see any woman without thinking that (as Hinds seems to do), then maybe you have a problem just in general, and maybe you have a problem seeing women as people first. I mean, good lord.