
I really want there to be an adult spelling bee. In a bar. With beers. We just need to make this happen.

Yeah, my point still stands, even with regional considerations. As a single person in NYC, your $50k may not go as far, but you're still in a much better position financially than many other people who are making far less. I've never made $50k in my life; when I was living in SF ten years ago and making $34k (before

So, as has been pointed out in at least one other thread, reproductive coercion is often linked to economic dependence on the abuser.

Also, this might be a helpful resource for your friend (or anyone who's reading this):

I agree with a lot of what you say (women—especially women from poor and/or uneducated backgrounds—are still often financially dependent on men), but the idea that supporting oneself on a single income of $50-70k a year is "really tough" both makes me laugh and galls me.

I thought "The chameleon did not reply." was my favorite part until I got to the honey-panko dress.

Economic dependence is also a tool of control used by abusers; lack of money/resources is one of the main reason women stay in abusive relationships.

omg. I had a GeoCities that I started when I was 19 that mostly consisted of my bad poetry. And also righteous bisexual feminist rage.

Me, three. I know math isn't my forte, but...

Those are serious fightin' words. I can't even. I will instead focus on your excellent taste in Carnivale.

I had that exact same reaction to "finger cheating."

ELEVEN YEARS?! This piece of crap show has been on for ELEVEN YEARS?

So sorry that your dad and you and your family have to go through this. I so wish I was wealthy and could help with this sort of thing.

I do not know why I am responding to a probable troll, but:

I dunno if it is either, cuz I don't know you. But don't even get me started on the state of dental health in this country (as if your teeth are somehow magically disconnected from the rest of your body...grrrr).

Let's start a Kickstarter to pay you to punch both of them in the face (we need enough to cover the resulting legal fees, too).

Meanwhile, I have friends who have had to start GoFundMes to raise money for medical care so they don't die or have a really crappy quality of life.

oh my god, that would give me ALL THE RAGES. jeezus.

Good question. I don't remember how I first started picking it up lo these many years ago. Now I mostly use googling for random things I can't remember how to do.

Well, sure. At the same time, it's an easy thing to learn that frequently comes in handy for many jobs in many fields. Or even in other capacities (such as volunteering).