
Ahh, pittie! ♥

If memory serves, they are almost as porny as the VC Andrews books.

omg, why do so many people say that about dogs? I tend to think of it more like people: some PEOPLE are good judges of character, but a lot aren't. Same with dogs.

Conversely, I have a friend whose husky mix absolutely adores black men. Like, will tug and pull on her leash to try to cross the street to say hullo to them.

Yes, yes they did.

Ha, I felt the same way about changing my little brother's diapers: once he started having conversations with me about changing his diapers while I was changing his diapers...I was like "yeah, time to start potty training this kid."

Bones has something to say about 2)

Nope, nobody anywhere has ever been "intitled" to an opinion. Sorry, Jessie J. I did like those spikes you put on your lips that one time, though.!

But, um, there's no dress on her neck/shoulders...

The real question is: how is that necklace staying across her shoulders like that?! Wouldn't it be up around her neck? Do they make fancy bra tape but for jewelry now? SO MANY QUESTIONS!

Yeah, I live in the PNW, so we're good on the beer front (and it can be more than 3%)!

I really, truly thought that pic of Bieber was some random, adorable baby dyke for a minute, and then was SO disappointed.

That's pretty much a deal-breaking drawback.

Excellent point.

You win the internets today.

mmm, and a fine scotch paired with quality dark chocolate.

So true. I'm off to kill myself right now, because things like:

Right? I think my favorite part is: "Book."