
Ringo is right: digging up potatoes IS very exciting!

Daycare is great for socializing; I used to babysit (I wouldn't call it nannying) and also work in childcare and it was always sadly obvious which kids hadn't had the benefit of lots of socialization.

This is one of my all-time favorite Dowager Countess moments.

I've enjoyed it when lovers have done that to me, too (and I am not a man). It can feel really sweet and intimate (and also sexy, depending). But y'know...maybe don't try this with anyone who has a history of assault or who's spent time in dangerous situations. I have a few friends who were homeless in their younger

um, okay.

Yellow-pants guy at 1:30=PRICELESS

Y'know, I've only seen Dancer in the Dark (which admittedly I only saw because of a Björk obsession), which I remember as being amazing and also never, ever wanting to see it again because of the emotional trauma.

meh. I'm gonna venture that John Cameron Mitchell did it better with Shortbus, and there was no weird "you are an ACTRESS" and "you are a PORN STAR" and now the twain shall digitally meet.

mmm, cake...preferably with cream cheese frosting, aka the only frosting.

Well, sure. I'm a fattie myself, by most folks' definition. Just saying that this kind of shit adversely affects us all, in different and many ways.

Probably not so much actually. From what I hear about the industry, for most people (because let's face it, most people do not "naturally" have that body type) there's so much scrutiny and obsessive control of the body that I can't imagine many models actually have healthy, happy body image. Especially when even

I think you misunderstand me.

Right? The bouncing junk is transfixing, even for a gayelle like me.

'Oh! Sorry! We thought you liked it.'”

She's still in the honeymoon phase—gotta butter up those execs.

FWIW, the upper, outer arm is hands-down the easiest place to get a tattoo, pain-wise. The skin is a bit tougher from being exposed (unlike inner arms) and generally you have more fat and muscle padding up there. My tattoos there were the easiest ever. Sort of like "yep, that kinda hurts. okey-dokey." Whereas the

"So often you hear "thin and attractive" and "fat and ugly" as paired terms — someone is made good looking by their thin frame"

Maybe it's just cuz I'm a perv, but I will say there is something hot about how it feels to be laced into a corset, though. Especially when the person doing it plants their boot in the small of your bank to get leverage to pull the strings.

omg. see? EVIL!