
I never, ever blow-dry my hair. Like, not since I was 18 probably. It's not good for the hairs, and if I did it, I'd lose what little bit of wavy curl I have. I would not sneer at you; I would give you the quick smile of camaraderie.

omg, that second-to-last lil chubbers who can't get his legs to work!

I'm coming right over to snorgle your ladies.

My current dog also has the zoomies, and he's not even a pit. (Well, I guess he could have some in him—he's street mutt who is definitely part GSP and Shar-Pei.)



UGH! Is there anything better than a pittie grin? NO, THERE IS NOT. I love their big fat heads and little beady eyes and the way they basically come out of the womb all stacked and buff. UGH.

It is sunnier in Portland than it is in Oly or Seattle! One of the many reasons I'm moving there next year.

Yes to the busy! It's just this stupid clusterfuck cycle, though, because the more depressed I get, the less I want to do anything other than watch Doctor Who/All the Whedon shows on repeat.

Probably we both need to find ourselves a giant trampoline.

Brains/emotions are such weird things. Like, I KNOW that when I isolate myself, I just fall deeper down into the hole, but I do it anyway! It's a bad, bad habit that needs to be broken.

I live in the Pacific Northwest, so maybe there's my first problem.

1) I've been there. And am currently there in some ways.

Oh lord, have I been there. But I didn't even have a bf to help out. I'd never had a problem getting a job before in my life (thanks, privileged middle-class white background!), but it was 3 years ago and I'd just moved to a smaller town to go back to school. Financial aid just barely paid rent and I had next to

Never; they make me feel out of sorts and groggy in the morning.

Sounds like a pretty perfect interaction to me: he asked, you answered honestly, he did as requested. BAM!

I've been feeling the same way, except with babies. Everyone's got a baby except me. Okay, not really, but sometimes you just have to have a good hyperbolic wallow.

I think both kinds of backgrounds look good. It might be worth it to do it on a case-by-case basis—some things won't look good on a darker background, so a white or lighter background will be better.

Depression town, anyone?

If it's intentional camp, it's very poorly done intentional camp. And I like to think as gay homosexuelle, I have some authority on camp.