
This is why I like to wear caftans belted as a dress: because when I get home, all I have to do is remove the belt and my bra and I am instantly comfy. I have a real cute grey denim one with quilted animal-print detailing (I KNOW!) that I get compliments on all the time.

That messy hair is real cute on him.

Side note: I have had an unrequited frush on Latoya Peterson for YEARS now.

It's like when I call myself fat as a descriptor and people are all "You're not fat!" when clearly, I am.

At least it was the Champagne of Beers and not a PBR.

OMG THEY COME IN FLATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glory hallelujah, praise be, and all that.

Yeah, I must be extra emo today because that line totally made me tear up a bit.

Totally a glittery, spiral-curl herpes outbreak. Ugh.

I think I would like it even better if they'd reshot the video with the dudes in the same outfits and doing the same dramatic-performery performances.

As an adoptee myself, that sort of "reasoning" always makes me so cranky. Like, listen: if I'd been aborted, I WOULDN'T KNOW so it would be fine. If I believed in destiny, then I'd be born somehow some other way, so it would be fine.

omg. dogs, they are such weirdos. ♥

But I think that's kind of the idea of my "on the other hand"—to flip the definitions of beauty, because looking like a Victoria's Secret model shouldn't be the only definition of beauty. And it isn't—I know that they're conventionally attractive, but by my definitions of beauty, they're kinda bland.

Yeah, this is where it gets complicated:

I really, really wish I wasn't.

I was just going to say that the one things missing from the vag talk was the importance of Kegels. It does improve sexual pleasure, and not just for the penis—it increases orgasmic response for the vagina-haver, too. And it decreases the chance of urinary incontinence. And penis-havers can do kegels as well.

Seriously? The guy was TWELVE. Yes, he did an awful thing, but he was young and troubled and by several accounts, repentant and making changes.

I'm pretty excited about the mansplaining that's happening in a few threads. I just live for mansplaining.

I am so glad to know that I'm not the only one with that problem. Sometimes when I'm on Tumblr, I catch myself muttering "would it KILL them to take this gif with the name of the movie/show or the actor? who ARE these people? grumble grumble."

Right? I mean, as long as they were make the nod to nerdy Star Trek, they coulda thrown in the nod to nerdy Doctor Who.