In related news, when I was elementary school-aged, I once called my mother "Mommy Dearest."
In related news, when I was elementary school-aged, I once called my mother "Mommy Dearest."
um, your screen name is AWESOME.
omfg. I want one of the cribbage boards SO BAD, but my budget is telling me that I have to settle for a hankie.
A joke about fonts should not make me literally LOL, but it does.
yeah, I pretty much started crying at that picture. dogs, they keep us going.
You and I have very different definitions of full-coverage underwears. I scrolled back up hoping to see some vintage-style briefs or something, and was so disappointed.
Right? You can get really nice, high-quality sheets at places like Ross for cheap. I'm a sheet snob, and I only buy sheets that are 100% cotton with a thread count of 300 or higher, and I am pretty broke.
The awesome part will be when you actually do find stashes of candy in your kid's room, because you've forbidden it. WHEEE!!!
I have an adblocker, so I didn't see it.
An uninhibited baby laugh is one of the best sounds ever.
I must've zoned out by then, my bad.
'S okay. I also sometimes like things that others consider crappy. Luckily we each know the other is TOTALLY WRONG.
I used to see wild bunnies in my old neighborhood in Seattle frequently, and that was in the middle of the city (Central District). They mostly came out at dusk to eat from the clover patches and it was the highlight of my night when I saw them.
Yeah, no, not seein' it. And I'm pretty much one of their target audiences: I love fantasy/mythology/sci-fi, I enjoy a good action/special effects extravaganza, and I find that Hemsworth dude very pretty to look at. But it was just so uninspired and dull. And a sausage-fest that blatantly failed the Bechdel test.
OMG OMGOMG I KNOW RIGHT?!?!?!?!??!?! I LITERALLY just shed a happy tear about it. I have alot of feelings about this.
I'm so behind. Thank gawd I have Lindy to keep me informed.
Wait, KENNETH BRANAGH directed Thor? Why was it so crappy then? I AM SO CONFUSED. Does Kenneth Branagh just not care anymore? Whoa. My mind is slightly blown.
Robin Williams got old. Which makes me feel old.
That was my first thought, too—wanna take bets on how soon someone will take one apart to see?