Adam Steiner

After going from math to physics and finally (and permanently) to neurobiology, I have to say I like it here. Brains are tasty. Though physics is still very near and dear (well maybe closer to a step child).

Fascinating and a very slippery legal slope. I think the deciding issue will be the accessibility of the illegal actions. Releasing the bot into an environment in which an illegal action will most likely be committed could very well be viewed as criminal intent - the likelihood of a bot committing an action deemed

More than likely the sand was used to 'auto level' prior to the install of the wood floor. The flooring looks like it was floating, to accommodate expansion and contracting. Seen a couple of places in the northern US that do that, generally I use auto leveling compound, but fine sand would work too I bet, and it would

They key statement "held legally accountable for their actions." - we already have enough problems in the legal system addressing adolescents (older than 18 is an adult technically see Roper v Simmons), mentally ill, and those with traumatic brain injury. To assume that chimpanzees (and by proxy if this judgment had

I would say that many animals have personalities, it's not just limited to cats. From a generalized view point (and more than likely a result of how we compare them to, say dogs) cats seem more aloof.