Since their inception, video game bosses have been all about challenge, action, endurance and repeated death. But…
Since their inception, video game bosses have been all about challenge, action, endurance and repeated death. But…
The hit animated series will be getting adapted to video games in a title being developed by Platinum Games.
Veteran actor Eli Wallach, who appeared in films like The Magnificent Seven and The Godfather Part III - but who is most famous for his role as Tuco in The Good, The Bad & The Ugly - has passed away at the age of 98.
Is this going to end with two bulldozers and a burning car?
I loved the first movie, but the second is better in every possible way. A lot more fight scenes (I think 14 total), a great organized crime plot, and BRRRRUTAL in the best possible way. I think I yelled "AW SHIT" a few times and I am normally the quietest moviegoer you would ever see.
Not to take away from these guys, but if you want to see a balls to the wall martial arts action movie, I cannot recommend Raid 2 Berandal enough. This movie is BRUTAL
There are a couple of studios and teams taht make pieces of Art... Supergiant is One of those few... They polish everything so great, from the artwork, story, gameplay to the sound design, wich is always astonishing. As an artist myself, those type of games deserve a special place in my heart. Transistor is one of…
Loved Bastion for a lot of the same reasons. I just didn't want it to end.
This is sometimes a concern for me. I'm a professional cocktail writer and in general a liquor enthusiast (I also brew my own beer, run a nightly cocktail blog, and enjoy wine on occasion).
Let's take a poll. I'm 30 and employed in a pretty good job. Weekends are still meant for going out as I'm single. Friday night I'll have 10 beers, Saturday during football season I'll have 12 or so, Sunday for NFL I'll have 10. This is across the course of the entire day. During the week I'll make one Vodka…
...the avatars for Summer Wars comes to mind...
Knife to head incidents are pretty interesting I think.
I've never had a knife stuck in my head. I imagine I would either pass out or freak out. This gentleman was…
When I was 12 years old, my family moved (one of many) in the fall to a town in North Dakota that I shall not name. I hated it. I'd never felt so much like an unwanted outsider than I did in this place. And then it snowed, and snowed, and then a blizzard. The Immigrant Song came out that winter, and it became a way…
"That way, they could be in a bubble for three days and not have to worry about anything except pounding it out"