Invoking rule 19 is completely insane for a confirmation hearing. But even putting that aside for a second, how is reading a letter from Coretta Scott King impugning his character? Like, how?
Invoking rule 19 is completely insane for a confirmation hearing. But even putting that aside for a second, how is reading a letter from Coretta Scott King impugning his character? Like, how?
Nevertheless, she persisted!!!
This is obviously horrible. But I doubt it will have any effect. The republicans don’t even need to pretend to care anymore, optics be damned. I mean they showed us who they are a million times and their asses still got re-elected.
Dear marketing persons, less action movie violins and more gunshot
fuel dump shifts plz.
Maybe Stevie Wonder is actually Daredevil.
GASP! It’s almost as if you can be legally/functionally blind but still have limited sight for things like movement, etc.!
Here, I would like to recommend Against the Pollution of the I (yes; it’s French). It is a fascinating book that recounts the life of a resistance fighter against the Nazis — who survived a concentration camp — who was blind since a boyhood accident.
AKA “Fake Sight”
he has what some people refer to as “alternative eyes”
Zemo’s plan only required that he go to Siberia to get the evidence. If cap, stark, panther didn’t show up it wouldn’t matter. Zemo would get the tape to Stark one way or another and the Avengers would split. I don’t get why everyone thinks Zemo’s plan was ridiculous or required everyone to “act dumb”. He was cold and…
I get that criticism for BvS, but I thought Zod was actually a pretty compelling villain in MoS.
Continuous moving walkway .. major missed opportunity if they didn’t do this. “Caution, the moving walkway is ... oh.”
How is this innovative? The doors at my office have no threshold...In fact the doors at my old house had none either. That drafty old wood floor house with an oil furnace. ZERO door thresholds.
0-60? as relevant as nurburgring times
I’m not so sure about that. Most contractors start to bitch when the design engineer insists the contractor be held to the standard on which they bid. It’s usually a dance played out where a compromise is understood and either the design changes or change orders are approved for the contractor. Rarely does a design…
When was the last time you went target practicing?
His “I’M THE DECIDER” moment came a lot earlier than I’d expected.
“Steve Bannon, played by an actor wearing a Scream mask” ...
Editor’s note: Once a month, the National Interest column will tackle broader questions about what the country…