$39,500 in 2009 is $45,021 in 2017. The Chevy SS was priced appropriately.
$39,500 in 2009 is $45,021 in 2017. The Chevy SS was priced appropriately.
Some dealers are stubborn about every desirable car like this. We just have to tell them to pound sand and go buy from a dealer that doesn’t suck.
The fact that people have been waiting all their lives for live-action big-screen Wonder Woman is a huge part of why it’s cast so safely. The fact that it got made in this time in any form is pretty amazing. They’re balancing on the head of a pin.
One day maybe we’ll get a Kingdom Come adaptation faithful to the artwork.
They do and I wish they’d stop trying to chat me up at the water cooler.
I’m unconvinced the stock market as a whole knows fuck-all about preparing for coming shifts in the auto industry.
You’re falling behind. Purple monkey dishwasher is the new autonomous cloud.
This is more than a ploy to get votes, though it does help with that.
If it had gone the way he’d intended, the front end would have come around immediately and he’d be headed down the street.
Maybe there’s an answer to be found in working the other side of the problem — replacing “white.” Though I suppose that’s been done with “privileged” and the problem is its antonyms remain problematic.
I believe Chevy first put that in the C7 Corvette. Which I haven’t checked out in person for a few reasons, but I think once saved it’s selected by a detent on a physical dial, isn’t it? That seems a pretty good way to go. I’m a fan of simple physical interfaces to manage situational / “mood” changes; I always laugh…
And what’s meant is privileged vs marginalized. (I started to type “disadvantaged” but to me that term has been turned by deliberate use to allow the privileged to distance and disclaim responsibility by passive voice — it’s about misfortune, as if it’s no one’s fault but perhaps your own. Part of personal…
I think 2044 is just general population, not voters. Consider practical disenfranchisement (gerrymandering, discriminatory access) as well as legal disenfranchisement (felony conviction) and the tipping point might never come.
Is “marginalized” then a better term going forward than “minority?” If the former sounds more negative, is that just because we’re accustomed to using the latter as a euphemism to avoid “color” and its distasteful “ed” form?
This language is specific to the overwhelmingly dominant cultural issue of the effects of racism by whites on ... what, do you rattle off a list a mile long here? If you say “everyone else” is that better than non-white or people of color or insert-your-term-here? If you don’t have a term to describe the forest, then…
I’m hopeful this kind of grouping is just a transitional period in the industry.
If you’re having a conversation about the American (Western European?) cultural issue of discrimination or oppression on the basis of race, shouldn’t there be a term to describe (and unite) the people being subjected to that discrimination or oppression? One that doesn’t have the idea of “victim” baked into the name?
Some of it reliving the election, because any criticism of 45 is heard as “this is another reason you should have voted for Clinton,” i.e. sour grapes.
I think the term is problematic and we don’t need to try to reclaim it.
America’s Sweetheart seems like a stifling title, a piece of patriarchal baggage.