Atomic Buffalo

You missed the paragraph whereby response to transgressions shall be (1) rational, (2) proportional, and (3) not hypocritical.

Or the culture of powerful men?

You leave DrPepper alone.

Back then, Lanesplitter had a lot more road-raging cage drivers.

You didn’t actually read your social contract, did you?
Just clicked Accept, didn’t you?

Imagine what his breath smells like.


He hates that he’s a d-bag, he’s trying really really hard not to be a d-bag, but he keeps doing things in a d-bag way. It’s a damn tragedy.

So you were physically fulfilling Godwin’s Law?

What is the Administration’s stance on this?

The Mazda 6 has good proportions for a front-driver, but the Mazdafender is ruinous.

Fact: the people who need to get cars to get laid aren’t going to get laid with anything in this price range, never mind this segment.

If it weren’t for the DCCU’s need to show a lighter side, and the Batgirl of Burnside (2011) character being such a great way to do it, I’d say I’d rather see Batwoman than Batgirl.

Barbara Gordon could even be adopted.

You’re halfway there.

You wrote off my opinion with your first post.

I think they simply do not care about the future, because they won’t personally be in it.

Everyone who owns needs to think about selling. Me included. And I do.

No, I’m just not a totally selfish ass.

Thanks for clarifying. That 824,000 is not a trivial number of cars for the manufacturers, is it? — that’s over three months of supply. It’ll be interesting to see what happens next.