Atomic Buffalo

If it weren’t for the DCCU’s need to show a lighter side, and the Batgirl of Burnside (2011) character being such a great way to do it, I’d say I’d rather see Batwoman than Batgirl.

Barbara Gordon could even be adopted.

You’re halfway there.

You wrote off my opinion with your first post.

I think they simply do not care about the future, because they won’t personally be in it.

Everyone who owns needs to think about selling. Me included. And I do.

No, I’m just not a totally selfish ass.

He had to, because Nolan screwed it up. Nolan had Thomas Wayne’s last words serve the theme of fear and not the theme of Mothers Entwine Sad Superheroes. And the original version of the pivotal scene was a little too jovial, where both Clark and Bruce ask each other “you ever dance with the devil in the pale

We needed the pearls-before-swine scene in order to sell the Martha-Martha-Martha scene on which the entire film pivots. Because if there’s even a 1% chance that someone else’s mom could be killed he has to treat it as an absolute certainty.

The problem is talent, not effort.

Girls in trouble are more fun if they’re in a whorehouse than a mental hospital, but even more fun in the sexual fantasies of a comics-collecting manchild who’s sure he’s cooler than Michael Bay.

Thanks for clarifying. That 824,000 is not a trivial number of cars for the manufacturers, is it? — that’s over three months of supply. It’ll be interesting to see what happens next.

I own. My parents own. Most of my friends own. You’re dismissed.

Not that I agree with NIMBYism, but your argument has problems.

b-b-but property values....

It’s also possible that, as a result of this, if Democrats return to power they’ll codify more explicit and stricter laws about this stuff. And then the Republicans will use that to be even more obstructionist.

The Republicans would be completely unashamed to say they would treat Clinton differently. And you know why.

It is getting harder and harder to believe that Republicans are merely incompetent, and easier and easier to believe that Republicans are evil.

...except? That’s what I said.

The way it failed before where money winked out of existence and nobody did anything illegal and we bailed them out and they not only learned nothing but made damn sure we didn’t hold them back with preventative regulations?