Atomic Buffalo

Let me know when Cap takes on gerrymandering or voter suppression, or stands up to the NRA.

U sign off
No, you sign off
No U sign off!
U sign off :)

In all seriousness, positive reinforcement helps. Tell your Democratic Senator that you appreciate their NAY vote; if your Senator is not a Democrat, please call one of the Democrats who stand and talk through the night and thank them for standing up for the right thing when your own Senator won’t.

Then they’ll blame brown people and women for over-using services and driving up costs. (Pay no attention to the insurance company actuaries!) Or wince and pass some toothless prescription drug reform. Or smile and gut the process for getting new drugs approved. Or call attention to (existing) data (mandated by

That, and comic books about public figures getting political would go over even worse than actual public figures getting political.

I am hopeful, but not expectant, that GM has figured out that they can offer a variant like this in the US as a special-order item with all the option boxes and still make money on every single one — as long as they can sell enough across all first-world markets to justify the development to meet the strictest

It’s worrisome that the Democratic Party hasn’t stood up and provided a sense of direction for all this angry energy.

Drunk is right. They feel fine. Great, even. Relaxed. In-charge. Worry-free. After all, it’s going just the way 45 said it would. He’s getting things done, and those things must be great because just look at how pissed off those liberal assholes are! It feels so satisfying that those self-righteous elites are mad. A

45 erases W from the collective consciousness the way W erased Danny Quayle.

In the absence of any sense of leadership or even hope from the Democratic Party, it is heartening to hear of so much grassroots activity. And even if many challengers lose, making a gutsy in-your-face run at incumbents can make them more moderate, and weaken their party-line resolve.

If so, he’s been doing a shit job. He’s awfully selective about which ideals he serves, or which ideals are in jeopardy.

Anything that isn’t a crossover/SUV or pickup truck.

Make sure ro rate and review your doctor online.

The alt-oval office is really a pentagram, isn’t it?

This sounds like an overdue reframing of the superhero genre. Vigilantes that deliver on the actual ideals of the people at their best, outside a system that has corroded its representative foundation.

Excellent post.

Cut the troll some slack. I’m sure there’s actual shit that needs actual shoveling somewhere.

Wow. I am honestly verklempt.

I hope the workers see some of that money, because a new delivery fee probably means tips will go down.

Yep. Though then it loses the trick of the black lower fascia reducing the visual size of the big butt.