
Much as I always want to revel in the utter incompetence of these idiots, this half-assed explanation actually makes me think that they got fucked with. You really can’t find that image accidentally. Searching google images for “presidential seal” in a variety of ways turns up shitloads of... the actual presidential

They did cancel them, the workers went back to putting the notch at a completely random point on the dipstick.

Where as British Leyland released cars with the dipstick incorrectly marked out of sheer incompetence.

I can’t stand it! I know you planned it! 

Did Citroen forget to cancel the dipstick instructions after the war?

“Wow, amazing. NONE of the Citroen trucks lasted more than 3,000 miles and they all failed catastrophically! Congrats on the sabotage.”

And, with BMW eliminating dispsticks in favor of electronic level sensors in the late 2000s, the Germans have been able to turn around and play the same trick on many unsuspecting owners!

Plus, they’ll never assume it was sabotaged. They’ll just assume it broke becuase it was French. Although that does kind of make the sabotage redundant. 

Dammit Jason, how could you forget Lemon ??

Henkel makes my body wash too i think. But yeah, stick are pretty great, but i like the liquid for alot of applications.

Wow. Where the hell have I been? (wipes copper paste on fingertip onto jeans)

Thank you!

The pipe thread sealant is great because it can be used on straight threads. Just used it on the through bolts of my ZF steering box (old worm drive). Because it is aluminum, and my freshly cadmium plated bolts are non active metals I had to use the $17 activator.

I will lookup the Loctite Blue in a stick as the little tube makes a mess. I also use this when it really gets critical

Loctite QuickStix silver antiseize so you can get the sparkplugs out the next time

The Best Form Factor for Antiseize ever made

Is the glue stick a trick I don’t know about?

Old School Copper Core, anything newer causes problems, Before and After

It’s not just Kyoto, I feel so many tourists who visit, even if they don’t know the customs of another country, don’t seem to understand how to comply with even the most basic of common human decencies. The poppy fields in Lake Elsinore, damages to Machu Picchu, the Dali painting in Yekaterinburg, etc. No, you can NOT

Don't forget to factor in the LS variable.