
This is super. Props to UP for putting up the money to rebuild it. Steam is an angry mistress, but damn powerful. I would like to know how they chose the crew for the trip. That is a lot of precious metal moving. 

Neutral: Jan 2018. I ordered a Subaru. It was painless - called ahead, walked in, reviewed coupons and options, placed my order, paid my deposit. All in less than 30 min. Picking up the car was similar.


3rd Gear: Excellent headline. That is all.

My heavens, you are not bright. “theory of space”. I’m impressed. 

In which Torch attempts to convince us that French cars are a good idea.

I’m torn between saying “go ahead, close the stupid border” and just shaking my head. Border closure would give everyone what they want - a closed border for the scaredy-cat people who voted for him, and a serious recession to those who can benefit from it. 

It‘s a bedet!

Neutral: No way would I back down. Lordstown hasn’t been a healthy plant for a long time, and no amount of trying to help it has made improvements. Ask the supplier base. 

One of my favorite engine stories, and also a hell of a powerplant. I wonder what the tuning world would do with it today. It’s really freaking durable.

Pushers? Series hybrids? Hmmmm?

It says Hakosuka...

At least as early as the VW MkIVs and B5s. My 2000 B5 sports the flats.

Hey, I raced that car! I did the tshirt design. Awesome!

Yes, actually! My dad’s 3000 is great!

Torch, I come to this from a completely different direction. In fact, I’m disappointed in you for not choosing my direction.

So, business as usual, eh?

Great work digging this all up.

Thank you for unearthing this awesome lady. Now time to find her grave. I have a Matchbox for it.

Ok, I haz a little sad here.