
I made myself some grip covers (nominally HippoHands). They make a huge difference.

Laugh at my home-brew HippoHands all you want, they make heated grips more like little toaster ovens. Are we not a few months late for this, though? Unless you are thinking of shopping spring sales....

Ah, the good old 6580. Also, it works and is easy to program.

Ah, the good old 6580. Also, it works and is easy to program.

Oh, totally. In reality, it’s all about keeping the rpms low enough that you don’t wake up the neighbors. I mean, 3000rpm is passable, 4000 (in my car) is not, so if I want to keep the speed down, I downshift and keep the revs down. Yes, this is absolutely a thing.

Does the dropping of French investigations into potential Diesel emissions cheating by Opel not raise any eyebrows here? Or did I miss that piece?

I used to borrow one from a German girlfriend when I needed a car. What a hoot to drive. Imagine a 3-dr Geo Metro with decent suspension and some power, along with an angry driving position and the ability to get out of its own way. Total silly giggles.

I read these articles and think, damn, I have been working in this industry for a long-ass time.

Citroën’s wife was reportedly his prototyping machinist.

Me, too. I appreciate my postal professionals.

A Tiburon with GTI wheels? Meh. I know that intrinsically, it’s a good car, but the styling is 20 years too late and the whole “look, mom, I’m trying this time!” thing isn’t helping.

I love you, man.

Yes, exactly. Market timing is a thing. 17 years ago, the B5 was the safest car you could get for not bushels of cash. Maxima was also a good car at the time. Hell, the Fiero was one of the safest unitbodies of its day, too. This opens up some serious possibilities.....

Chromie? Noooooooooo!!!!

Pfft, I am still rocking my B5, and have recently come to terms with the fact that I will never be emotionally over it. I’m over that, though. I appreciate my dumb old wagon, and I get this Maxima guy to the core.


I am completely ok with this.

Not rain nor snow, nor sleet nor hail
Shall stop delivery of the U.S. Mail

Vintage Torch....

1st Gear: We Can Crush You Like The Ants You Are

Clearly a professional driver on a closed track” OMG. I never noticed that. Awesome.