This hypertexting is not elite.
This hypertexting is not elite.
It’s cool. We didn't deserve it anyway
Great timing on this firing New Orleans. The Saints improve their defense, and Rob Ryan can go work as a mall Santa for the next two months until he finds another NFL job.
No, the worst part about this Porsche is that BHCC is selling it. RUN, don’t walk away from their ‘deals’.
Waiting for the Jezebel post on racism in F1.
I once saw a dually Ford Ranger that was surprisingly well made. I was laughing too hard to take a picture.
Tina Fey never impersonated a politician.
And the ISS would not exist without the Shuttle.
Except the brakes do fade in the race, they regularly overheat and sometimes burn, and they have to be kept within their working range (i.e. use them but don’t ruin your lap time, and drive fast but don’t use too much brake stopping or you’ll overheat them, and get enough but not too much cooling...) Oh yeah, and this…
Smart lady. No one in their right mind moves to Virginia or anywhere in the middle Atlantic.
Greatest athlete commercial ever.....
I know the guy who owns it. Hasidic jew worth millions, lives in a tiny apartment in brooklyn and drives a toyota camry from 97.
Those gearboxes are pretty tough and the synchros are unbeatable.
Clearly you stand on a box and just have the camera shoot you from the waste up.
Tom Cruise weighs 148 lbs and is 5’ 7”.
That’s pretty intimidating, not gonna lie.
My God those uniforms get worse upon each viewing.