
Stu'Rt Suut'clf.

You sir have made my day. Good ol' PBF.

Now playing

I feel I must add this fantastic acapella version while we're at it.

Also, Race has a brief cameo in an episode in the first season

Chairface Chip n' Dale has really let himself go.

People realize that none of that was meant to be taken seriously. Right? Right...?

That said, Baldur's Gate 2 had Co-Op, and that was more or less the same pausing/ordering combat of Dragon Age, except for the most part more complicated. I never actually played it with another person though, so not sure how it actually plays out/how well it worked.

Well technically if we're going by who's game came out first, Falcon and Redfield also predate Master Chief. Though I agree, it is weird to see him missing. Though I could see them just not wanting anyone in crazy power armor for the picture? That might be why.

I want it. I want it NOW.

Personal favorite of his is the Legend of Zelda medley he has up on his channel, but in general, everything this guy's done with floppy drives has been pretty impressive!

Now playing

Man I love me some Octodad. Not even sure why, just an oddly charming, if incredibly bizarre and occasionally awkward, game. For those wondering what the hell it actually is, I'll leave this here.

See the turtle of enormous girth, on his shell he holds the Earth.

If memory serves, back in the Rogue Trader days they did imply that Warhammer Fantasy took place on some backwater Feudal World somewhere in the Imperium. However I think (as they tried to differentiate the two settings) Games Workshop officially tossed the idea some time ago.

The concept, the concept, of love!

If that set came with a Malavai Quinn minifig, I wouldn't even hesitate a second to buy it. Seriously.

Indeed. It's probably inevitable, too. How dare the likable cool guy win.

I will say, I'm ever so slightly excited for this season of the Tester, if only because Arin Hanson (aka Egoraptor) is one of the contestants, and well, Egoraptor is awesome. The show itself, and, hell, the very premise, is still pretty terrible, I'm sure.

As basic as they are, I'm with you. They're a great fun little distraction. I'm looking forwards to seeing how they expand it in the future, too.

Truer words are rarely spoken. Or, well, typed.

If memory serves, don't you, fairly early on in MGS3, see a man get -airlifted by bees-? And have to 'fight' a psychic ghost later on? I think the metal gear universe has plenty of quirks when it comes to reality.