
Why. Why did you remind me of this. I -liked- being able to sleep at night.

Bah, mudcrabs. Disgusting creatures.

Yes! I was starting to worry no one else would make this connection.

I remember beating the original Zelda when I was 5 or 6 (with difficulty, mind you). Then, years and years later when the (I think) Game Boy Color port of it was released I tried playing through it again, and it wrecked me. And again when it came out for Virtual Console.

Yeah, I found it pretty easy to do a nonlethal stealthy playthrough (well, up until a point where I couldn't resist breaking it for plot reasons), and the only boss fight I found tough was the first one. And that's because I didn't realize the room was filled with explosive barrels at first.

My disc copy showed up a couple of days ago. I'm liking it quite a bit.

Well, this has definitely made my day already. Now if only Nintendo could get convinced to do this crossover.

Man, this thread needs more Sacrifice, one of the last great games Shiny put out. Because Tim Curry voiced Stratos. And that is awesome.

@TRT-X: Actually had to do this when I first played through Blue, as I had used my masterball on Articuno for some reason. To this day, I couldn't tell you why I did that.

@gordeaux: I didn't understand the question!

@Alex McMillan: Wow, I had almost completely forgotten about that show.

@kneeofwisdom: Now that I can relate to. My Dad loved that game.

So, uh, what is a man, but a miserable pile of puzzle blocks?

@HowardC: You, sir, win the internet.

@Starshock: As much as I love 40k, I don't really see why this comes up all that often. Sure, Starcraft clearly borrows from it, but hell, 40k borrows heavily from Dune. 40k's lore and StarCraft's lore are really pretty dissimilar past the aesthetic similarities of some things, mostly 'nids and Zerg.

@The MSJ: Twisp and Catsby are always the best. Always.

@statnut: the gamestop one is printed on your receipt. Though if the

@Silverhawk: Damn, that was just sad. KinectBarbie. Really? That's what you're going with?

@Paradox me: FFXIII, Pokemon SoulSilver, and, my personal favorite of my most recent games bought, FFIII (VI) for the SNES. Still probably one of my favorite RPGs, and somehow a game I never actually owned, just rented. Rented far, far too often.

@battra92: It's been a little while, but I got pretty good at the Williams "No Good Gofers" machine (pretty much a golf parody pinball machine with gofers that insult you) for a while.