
@SubZippo: yeah, add one more curious party, wondering what the really? is for

@Kowl Slaw: admittedly, still written/come up with by the usual guys, just drawn by Kris Straub instead due to Gabe being sick.

@Kobun: I'm curious, is that version the one with graphics, or the really, really oldschool one that is entirely ascii symbols

@jimmuhpage: Seconded for wanting a JFG port. That game was amazing.

@GohanGVO: Calling it. This wins the thread.

@AchromaticMagus: I think it's meant to be younger Samus from a flashback scene, which explains the different hair (and possibly the anger too, if it's like, after the colony she lived on was attacked by the space pirates)

Let's not forget that Heart Gold and Soul Silver come out a week from today, as well! That's totally soon enough to mention!

@SPni: For a while I thought he had said there wasn't going to be any more Gorillaz stuff (sort of a "quit while you're ahead attitude"), but either I was wrong (most likely) or Damon reconsidered.

@Windrummerboy: I'm curious what exactly you mean. The soldiers don't look all that different than they did in Prime 2 and 3, which I always, at least to some degree, felt were based off the single dead soldier you see before Kraid in Super Metroid.

@himjim: I have to agree with VincentGrey, 4 or 6 would be my starting point of choice. Hell, I'm actually playing through 6 again right now, still one of my favorite RPGs ever.

@noboard: Oh man, Road Rash (and subsequently the Road Rash 2 and 3) was pretty damn awesome.

@Kobun: Ooh, very cool, I'll have to get on this once I get back to my apartment in a few hours.

@Shmraggon: This. I'm so glad I"m not the only one who got oddly freaked out by Ecco back in the day. That said, it was a fantastic game.

@chrisgordon: Admittedly, they did do a revamp of the way the game handles shadows a little while after BC was released, and cataclysm is, apparently, going to vastly improve on the game's water effects.

@Stoli: Oh, I'm assuming those'll still be in there. Complex, Facility, and if I remember correctly, Temple, were all in PD. Facility was also hilariously misspelled as "Felicity" I think.

I know a lot of people are saying this could mean good things for a possible revamp of Goldeneye (which is not incredibly likely because of rights issues), but personally, I'm hoping this might make some other awesome Rare N64 games show up as XBLA revamps.