
@Evdor: Yes and very yes.

I really think movie trailers need to take note, this is better than any movie trailer I've seen in a long time now

@Koztah: Did you just mention the-space-dwarves-who-should-not-be-named? Great, now Games Workshop will come in and close this comment thread. Somehow.

@DoctorWhorrible: I would promote this if I could. So hard. Good Who reference.

So, since I know there has to be some more Doctor Who fans out there, how're you all feeling now that David Tennant is no longer our Doctor?

1. FF VI

Not 2011. Fiscal Year 2011. Which starts April 2010 as it says at the end of the post. So not the gargantuan delay this sounds like at first glance.

Not to come out as being negative about this, because let me tell you, I'm excited as hell for a 40k MMO, but am I the only one who's wondering how exactly it's going to work?

@Clstirens has a Zune: I hadn't really thought about it much either until I read the article, but it's honestly pretty impressive, in hindsight. Overall, while I do agree that it'd be nice if all commenters could be seen a bit more equally, the star commenter system does help to separate the wheat from the chaff.

I just finished off AC2, not counting finishing off the collections, so I think I will be taking a break from that to go back and hit up Dragon Age some more, and even get back to Borderlands.

I have to say, one of the things I've liked the most about Kotaku (and Gawker blogs in general) is the overall quality of the commenters. I'm used to, between various other blogs and, most notoriously, web forums, seeing way too many trolls.

@dracosummoner: I was pretty happy either way, though the best times on it were definitely with friends. I love that the machine allowed for (effectively) save files, so that if you and a group of buddies had started together, you could come back and pick up with the same characters whenever.

@Y-bot: Gauntlet Legends. That thing ate down quarters at an alarming rate, but somehow I just kept coming back for more

I'm even more excited to go pick up my pre-order now. I quite liked AC1, though I agree it did get repetitive and certainly had its flaws. But it sounds like most of what I didn't like from the first one is gone and replaced with new, awesome things, and the things I did like are more polished. Or at worst, just as

@ph15h: I'm not seeing this supposed half-tone bricks. Not saying I don't believe you, but any chance you could point to a side and on which picture? Now I'm just curious. #childsplay

@dreamfall: I found the Fade a little frustrating at first, but it grew on me. Once I got the feel of what was going on, I found it really fun and oddly satisfying, kind of like a puzzle game, except way more simple.