Trump’s America ladies and gents. The pervs and bigots are practically wetting themselves with excitement over the increased normalization of harassment and assault. No more need to be politically correct - just pinch away.
Another friendly reminder that political correctness is simply treating people with respect. So yea, he’ll probably be acquitted.
I like that he coordinates the excessive stickers on his car with excessive stickers on his shirt.
His Trump Tower apartment is outfitted with a Golden Shower.
Comedian D.L. Hughley is letting President-elect Donald Trump know how he really feels in a Facebook Live video…
I personally prefer “How Do You Like Me Now” as an example of what an asshole he is. He sings about harassing a girl who isn’t interested in him in high school and then laughing because he heard gossip that she’s in an unhappy (possibly abusive) marriage while he’s a big country star. I used to like it when I just…
As a southerner, I find it disgusting that so many of my brothers and sisters continually treat the flags and names of people who did not want to be Americans anymore with almost holy reverence. We lost, we deserved it, and it’s better to leave whatever “legacy” the Confederacy gives us in the trash. The fact that so…
“We’ve got a long history of diversity and welcoming people to our community.”
Lee is widely regarded to be an honorable man who was respected by both sides, and I don’t think he deserves condemnation.
Yeah. I respect Robert E. Lee in much the same way I respect Erwin Rommel: Honorable and highly capable generals fighting for the wrong side, let down by their people.
We’ve got a long history of diversity and welcoming people to our community.”
Lee is widely regarded to be an honorable man who was respected by both sides, and I don’t think he deserves condemnation.
You’re right. Lee wasn’t just a traitor. He was an honorable and well-respected traitor.
Nice! Maybe it will Beat the competition.
A traitor to the country is a Great American according to Mississippi.
Oh. For real? Great American’s Day? Between this and Trump disrepecting John Lewis on Twitter, I have got a full day of teaching to do. Here I thought I could enjoy my day off but America continues to demonstrate it needs to be schooled.
Sign me up.
That ain’t a strawman, that’s a straw platoon.