
Other than the fact that I’m glad Alabama lost, 2017 already feels like it’s going to feel like this for everybody all year.

Given what we’ve seen to date from the incoming administration, I am at least 62% sure someone will go to the trouble of retracting this apology by the end of the month.

As much as “corporate espionage” is a possible motive, I’m leaning more on the angle that those who stole simply just want to either a) brag to their friends that they have the “first” Razer laptop of that type or b) sell it on Craiglist.

Considering we live in a country that doesn’t reliably track police shootings I can understand how tracking knee braces for college athletes can slip through the cracks.

It must be hard to know that you’ll never be as good at shouting things as your brother.

As the manager of a Ford dealership, I will give the first 50 Bronco buyers a a free case of apple juice. You know, because OJ will kill ya. Hahaha... thanks, I’ll show myself out.

And the coal miners will have jobs! Just repeal the environmental regulations, and everything will be fine

Just wait until the 70-100 year old set realize they can’t pay for healthcare

woah... thats a lot of words for what was probably just a typo.... relax have a kitten

For my work, I move our employees from a home location to another location so they can work on projects/open offices/etc. To move a family from one location to another in two weeks is almost impossible. There is immigration considerations to consider, schooling if they have children, sale of houses/cars/furniture that

My god the next four years are going to be a fuckfest.

Perfect opportunity to yell something like, “I used to fuck guys like you in prison!”

I think with those cars you spend $10+ million on the car and another $500k on a Ferrari mechanic that lives in your garage. :D

Thats... /sigh

I got an idea. Instead of the Top 12(10, 50, or whatever) do a percentage based list.

I remember her from the first season of civilian Apprentice. Omarosa was arguing with a teammate who, at one point, said, “That’s the pot calling the kettle black.” Omarosa accused the other woman of being racist because...she used the word black? After the episode aired or she was fired, she gave several interviews

I know, Reich?

German women just Goebbeled that book up.

Hitler published a second, less well received novel, “Mein Kramps” which was a book of recipes and herbal remedies for women experiencing painful mestruation.

My future children will look at my Steam account and either shake their heads in awe or shame.