
This is why it doesn’t bother me. Chrom and Lucina are both reskins, and even thought they take a roster spot it’s not like Sakurai and Co. said “well, we either put 200 hours developing this Marth clone or we give ‘em Waluigi”. These guys are bonuses.

I was excited for like 30 seconds until I saw how good Alucard looks, and now I want him way more. 

I still grieve that Futaba wasn’t a playable character :’(

I might be in the minority, but I hated Yusuke’s costume. Thankfully Makoto’s bad-ass Mad Max biker chick duds made up for it. Where’s her Figma??

Poor, poor Amos...

This is neat, but my first thought after reading this was a 14 year-olds science project was: How spoiled rich is this kid to have the option to send a $200 retro game into space just for the earth puns?

I was wondering who was smitten by FF XV and it’s art direction enough to make a full-on homage to it. I guess a dev studio from China would make sense.

If Q2 is anything like it’s predecessor, then it wouldn’t be possible on the Switch, regardless. The 2nd screen was absolutely vital to exploration and the touch controls were intuitive for that design. The Switch simply does not do touch controls well, which is one reason I don’t see a Mario Maker Remastered

How traumatized are the kids going to be after the Grave of the Fireflies ride?

I get the feeling Bayo is gonna be nerfed into the dirt when Universe drops. 

Persona is at the height of it’s popularity, so would a could time for a Persona HD collection with P1 and both P2 games. 

The thing that screwed me was trying to use all the characters I liked and needing to level everyone grinded the game to a complete halt (pun intended). 

I have a feeling MvC3 will have a Melee style community that’ll keep it around for a long time. Most of my die-hard Marvel friends are still playing MvC3 and barely touched Infinite.  

9 new characters and none are from RWBY? How crappy of a licence did they get?

All my cats’ names since childhood to present:

Most of me agrees with your sentiment, but another part of me can’t help but feel there’s no way Melania would be where she is today without selling her body in one way or another. 

This a such a red herring for me. I get why some people get annoyed by it, especially if you’re non-christian. But for me, at least, “Merry Christmas” is as religiously charged as “Happy Halloween!” or “Happy Arbor Day!” The vast majority of Americans don’t view Christmas as a christian holiday the same way we don’t

Except no one actually “observes” Christmas except for the people who are religious enough to go to the 3 hour Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve, which is an obligation to Catholics (not sure about other denoms). Christmas is so non-religious at this point Japan even celebrates at as an excuse to cosplay as Jack

Oh, for sure. Santa has the pee tape. It’s one of the many reasons Donnie’s had coal in his stocking every year since his birth. 

I love me some Junji Ito, but I’m not digging the pixel aesthetic of the game. I like that parts of it look like it could ripped from manga panels, but I’d like a sharper visual style.