At Long Last

Yeah Westworld is just ok, but it’s entertaining enough to keep me intrigued. It’s not really a philosophical discourse on the cyclical nature of existence and how to break that cycle (that would be Mad Men). I got a little excited when they mentioned “Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind”

I work from home with just my partner, and he is disinclined to discuss our TV watching ad nauseam. Thank you, internet, for providing this service to me to save me from a life without obsessing over TV show minutiae.

TV is MUCH more interesting for me when I can obsess with other crazy people over it.

Oooh. I like it.

And here I was thinking that the whole point is to get the viewer to come back next week to see what happens. They need to invest the viewer because that’s how you get the viewer to watch again. There’s nothing wrong with feeling attachment to characters or trying to predict what will happen next. I don’t watch for a

Are we in the part of the cycle where think pieces are being written about how lame people are for being invested in a well-acted and well-written piece of entertainment, even though it’s not nearly as intellectual as the masses might think it is?

I’m not sure, but I’m not going to go in and ask. Either group would smell weakness on me and I’d end up doing trig or saying the rosary for hours. Both would be penance of a sort.

Because you’re an asshole.

as a fellow veteran that is a emergency responder that responds to major chemical HAZMAT issues for a living I have to ask you.....what do you want done here? Rail is far more dangerous then pipelines (and lots of oil passes via rail in this area daily), older pipelines are reaching their usable lifespan and failing

natural gas pipeline =/= oil pipeline

You all know this pipeline follows a similar route of an existing gas pipeline in the area? Yet nobody protested that. I bring this information up to my bleeding heart friends I get no brownie points, it gets no likes or comments on facebook because it goes against the narrative they want to construct. Look I get it

Does Tidal even have any money money to pay a settlement with this poor woman?

Paulson claims that Perez ended the meeting by saying she’d brainstorm with “human resources and figure it out.”

This may not be a popular opinion - but I’m assuming that years of planning went into this project - was there protesting all along the way? Or just at this point, where they are actually building it, and the costs for changing the pipeline are now huge?

still arguing with one that you shouldn’t empathize with someone “just because”. where the fuck has our humanity gone?

please everyone. no more snark or assholery regarding kanye. he’s a human being who deserves our care and compassion, regardless of your opinion on him, his wife, his lifestyle, or anything else.

With all my intuitive, witchy powers I tell you I have long believed Kanye to be bipolar. Love him, feel for him, he’s a blowhard but brilliant. Let’s try a little compassion- when it comes to mental illness, celebs are really just like us- except sometimes the fishbowl exacerbates the delusions and makes it harder

I totally know I am middle aged and am okay with that, I was more wondering if this was a natural part of the middle aging process.

I can see that. His conversations with the hosts are always creepy to me. IMO, Hopkins is such a good actor that he is able to portray, without outright saying it, that he knows what the host will say before he says it. His conversation with the boy felt like he was steering the boy into a conversation that he wanted