RS Hole, I forgot my password for 8 months

I'm actually impressed by the modifications! I was fearing it'd be nothing more than a body kit and wheels to reduce drag and weight but the increased cooling, suspension work, and retuned ABS better justifies the price.

Gawker, all that "approval" bullshit and this gets through it?

The reason why someone purchased a Geo Metro back in 1991 and stored it for 23 years isn't mentioned in the ad posting.

Yep, Group N. Though he may have adjusted a few things over the years that would make it not quite Group N spec at this point.

Almost. There's a near identical one owned by the same person (Henry Krolikowski), with blue letters instead of red. The current, blue-lettered one is actually an old 2000 Prodrive recce car (Prodrive is, of course, the company that built and ran all the Subaru WRC cars)

This is the New Englandest timeline.

1. It's been a subblog for a year and a half. We're actually older than all the other non-car subblogs.

Holy crap, that looks either a Stromtropper or a Cylon... I just fapppppped...

So, if Ferrari had built better clutches, would Pagani be running their CF shop ?

Just as Lamborghini exists because Ferrari refused to use better clutches, Pagani exists because Lamborghini refused to use better materials.

I agree, and I generally can't stand Dodges.

There needs to be an option for some ridiculous Hellcat graphic pack with WWII noseart-esque large felines or something. But yes, this looks quite good.

Watch This Air Tanker Yaw Like Mad While Dropping Fire Retardant

I was just joking. But I don't blame you guys, there are actually people like this on the internet.

WFT man, get your focus settings right, jeez. Would never buy this out-of-focus shite.

I wonder if a car company in the US could do something like this with all the NHTSA and DOT regs? It would be fun to see Chevrolet make some new 1963 Corvette Gran Sports.

I've had one for all these years! Who knew!

Lightweight materials!

I once went to a dealership that provided free coffee. That's my most positive dealership experience.