
Lol to be fair I did steal it from Moana. So...uhh...You’re Welcome. ;)

“Helming" means directing...

Maybe they should have pulled those games. Maybe if these digital storefronts stop carrying broken games it would give publishers incentive to not release broken games. CDPR doesn’t care about you dude, you gain nothing by defending them.

Now Sony can explain if it’s so bad it needs removing why they certified it in the first place and falsely represented PC footage by heavily implying it was PS4 footage.


And it’s not an endangered species! The way Frog Lady explained it, she’s going through Space Frog menopause and this batch of eggs is her and her partners last chance to start a family.

he’s got no issues gobbling down another person’s unfertilized offspring just because he’s feeling peckish

God, I miss theaters. I miss Viola Davis shooting someone in Widows and the entire place cheering and clapping while I yelled YEAH GIRL out of nowhere. I miss terrifying the kid sitting next to me when I burst into tears during Lilo and Stitch and The Iron Giant. I miss the entire place hooting and hollering during

I miss movie theaters so much. Big IMAX theaters, small indie theaters that sell scones, tea, and Italian sodas ... I just love going to the movies. I totally agree that the audience is part of what makes the experience - I’ve seen terrible movies that were made better by the audience just saying “fuck it” and

God, yes. Our local AMC has -- had? :( — the really nice reservable recliners, and they did 50% ticket discounts if you went to the first showing of the day (usually around 10 or 11am). My husband used to work Sundays, so I’d go alone all the time. I desperately miss movie theaters.

I can only hope that these will be clips from the movies with narration by Michael Peña as Luis.

Can’t wait to see this, fall in love, and then have SyFy cancel it. 

Welp, it is time.

Can you please post the number for the Suicide Prevention Hotline on articles like this? It should be standard practice, even on a site that’s being actively dismantled by an herb.

National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

I think that’s a bit of a leap to say he wasn’t trying to kill them. More that he hadn’t figured out how to. It was definitely more than “acting out”.

Not that Giancarlo Esposito isn’t reliably excellent but even for him, I really got a kick out of his work in the scene with Grogu, going so far as to seemingly tempt him with the Darksaber before getting back to business mode. 

We see Grogu toy with, torture, and seemingly kill two Stormtroopers who are trying to restrain him while Gideon watches with delight

I feel like if the Sequel Trilogy hadn’t already been made, they’d be more likely to bring in Mara Jade, but since we know what happens (or more importantly what doesn’t happen) regarding Luke I feel like half the point of the character is missing. Still be happy to see her though, of course.

Knowing what big nerd fans the makers of the show are and since we’ve named dropped Thrawn already, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised to find Zahn’s other major character addition to the old SW universe show up with her red hair, shades of grey morals (in earlier incarnations), ex-Imperial knowledge, and experience on